- But physical model experimentations andhydraulic calculations commonly have some shortages.The result data only isexpressed by text、hydrograph、isoline or two dimensional graph. 但物理模拟一般存在成本高、周期长,结果数据只用文字、过程线、等值线、二维图表等形式反映出来,缺乏直观效果,也不能体现各物理量的时空动态变化。
- Two dimensional graph theory -clustering method 两维图论聚类法
- two dimensional graph model 二维图模型
- The plane is two dimensional in points. 平面在点几何中是二维的。
- Greedy muting in social networks was explored.An MCMC algorithm was given to embed a given shortcut graph into a one or two dimensional grid. 研究了社会网络中的贪婪搜索现象,给出了将长程连接图嵌入底层一维和二维网格的马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法。
- Greedy routing in social networks was explored.An MCMC algorithm was given to embed a given shortcut graph into a one or two dimensional grid. 研究了社会网络中的贪婪搜索现象,给出了将长程连接图嵌入底层一维和二维网格的马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法。
- The ACAS is a two dimensional gaussian plume segment model. 评价系统是一个二维分段高斯烟羽模式。
- They may look flat - two dimensional - or be holographic. 它们也许看起来是平面的-二维空间的-或是全息形式的。
- This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional arrays. 这个子程序可以对一维或者二维数组进行排序。
- The three dimensional terrain real-time dynamic demonstration core engineering research, has the very big help to the three dimensional graph research. 详细说明:三维地形实时动态显示的核心技术研究,对三维图形研究有很大的帮助。
- A square is two dimensional and a cube is three dimensional. 正方形是二维的(平面的),而正六面体则是三维的(立体的)。
- Having only two dimensions, especially length and width. 二维的只有二维的,尤指长度和宽度
- Gets or sets a two dimensional array of bytes that can be used as a filter. 获取或设置可用作筛选器的二维字节数组。
- Through the spiral gathering data gain enough information, the utilization special algorithm, reconstructs the tube the three dimensional graph, demonstrated in simulates on the monitoring device. 通过螺旋采集数据获取足够的信息,运用特殊算法,重建管的三维图形,显示在模拟监视器上。
- A flat file can be represented by a two dimensional array of data items. 平面式文件可由数据项的二维数组表示。
- Two Dimensional Photonic Band Structure: Triangular Non Bravais Lattice[J]. 引用该论文 金崇君;秦柏;杨森;秦汝虎.
- Quadratic approximations in two dimensions. 二维中的二次逼近法。
- Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro. 细工饰品通过明暗对比表现出两维性此种装饰品
- There is a brief discussion of two dimensional mechanics in terms of complex numbers. 这里有关于用复数来讲二维力学的简短讨论。
- The beam characteristics of exeimer lasers are detected by using a two dimensional CCD array. 本文采用二维ccd列阵检测准分子激光的光束特性。