- the two sides of Taiwan straits 海峡两岸
- two sides of Taiwan Straits 海峡两岸
- The present division between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a misfortune for the Chinese nation. 台湾海峡两岸目前的分离状态,是中华民族的不幸。
- The exchanges between compatriots on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have been increasing. 香港、澳门胜利回归祖国,实现了全民族的夙愿。
- the two sides of Taiwan Strait 海峡两岸
- So economic cooperation and trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits fall under the internal affairs of China. 海峡两岸的事情,包括经贸合作,都是中国的内部事务。
- After national reunification the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can pool their resources and make common cause in economic development and work towards China's resurgence. 中国实现统一后,两岸可互补互助,共同发展经济,振兴中华。
- Economic and cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have made rapid progress since the end of 1987. 自一九八七年底以来,两岸经济、文化交流和人员往来有了长足的发展。
- Macao society is a blend of Chinese and Western cultures and acts as a bridge linking the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. 澳门社会市中西文化融合,同时也是连结海峡两岸的桥梁
- A half-century ban on direct links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was officially circumvented yesterday. 禁飞了半个世纪,两岸直航昨天正式解禁。
- During his visit to USA,Li kept on advocating the fallacies of "two China , one China, one Taiwan ", which have caused the tense situations of both sides of Taiwan Strait . 李在访问美期间,不断宣扬“两个中国、一中一台”的谬论,引发了海峡两岸的紧张局势,并造成了中美严重军事对峙的“台海危机”。
- Continuously increasing trade amount offers large potential demand for logistics cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 从总量上看,不断增长的贸易额为两岸物流合作提供了巨大的潜在市场需求;
- The image of women on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits as seen on TV is between truth and fantasy, reflecting to some extent the imaginings of the mass audience. 从电视媒体看两岸女性,在真实与虚幻之间,多少呈现了芸芸大众的一番想像。
- Although the two sides of the Straits remain to be reunified,the long-term existence of this abnormal situation has not imbued Taiwan with a status and rights in international law,nor can it change the legal status of Taiwan as a part of China. 虽然海峡两岸尚未统一,但是台湾是中国领土一部分的地位从未改变,由此,中国拥有对台湾的主权也从未改变。
- Washington's "dual track" policies have counterbalanced each other in terms of their influences on building a peaceful relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. 此一“双轨政策”对两岸和平关系的构建,有着不同方向的影响,往往起了互相抵消的作用。
- Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits carried out a prolonged,unremitting struggle against foreign invasion and occupation of Taiwan. 海峡两岸中国人为反对外国侵占台湾进行了长期不懈的斗争。
- Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits carried out a prolonged, unremitting struggle against foreign invasion and occupation of Taiwan. 海峡两岸中国人为反对外国侵占台湾进行了长期不懈的斗争。
- Contacts of this kind can help enhance mutual understanding between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, thus creating conditions for them to proceed to discuss the question of reunification and ways to achieve it. 通过这种接触,能增进海峡两岸的相互了解,为双方进一步商谈统一问题创造条件。
- It is a lofty mission and a common aspiration of all Chinese people,including the Taiwan compatriots,to put an end to the cleavage between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and realize the reunification of the motherland. 结束海峡两岸分裂局面,实现祖国统一,是包括台湾同胞在内的全体中国人民的崇高使命和共同愿望。
- Academic Seminar of Both Side of Taiwan Strait on South China Sea and Marine Resources, 2003, Boao, Hainan. 2003年10月,湖北武汉,环境资源法学国际学术研讨会。