- I lost sight of her two or three years ago. 两三年以前,她从我视野中消失了。
- The wine can be cellared for two or three years. 此酒可在酒窖中存储两至三年。
- There's about two or three years between them. 俩人相差个两三岁。
- The operation could prolong his life by two or three years. 这次手术可使他多活两三年。
- Oh, lord! I don'; t know. Not these two or three years, perhaps. 天哪!我也不知道。也可能两年三年见不着面。
- They move on to a new place every two or three years. 他们每两、三年就搬到一个新地方。
- Dolphins produce a single calf once every two or three years. 海豚每隔两到三年生育一只小海豚。
- About two or three years ago, Kerry often called on my partner. 早在两三年前,克里就经常到我的合伙人家里交流。
- He says humorously, "two or three years ago, this was a very good job. 他幽默地说:“两三年以前,这应该。
- He never stays in a job long. He gets itchy feet after two or three years. 他没有一样工作干得长久,过两三年他就会脚底发痒,总想动一动。
- We can make do with the present facilities for the next two or three years. 现有的设备还能应付两三年。
- Mobile VoIP could be widespread within two or three years, he thinks. 他认为,照这个速度,移动网络语音通话技术的普及在两到三年内就能完成。
- I believe in practicing prudence at least once every two or three years. 我认为至少每隔三年就得提醒自己谨慎行事。
- Within that four-year period,two or three years should probably be spent on basic subjects. 所谓四年,基础课恐怕要两三年。
- It is only two or three years since then,and already the situation in Shenzhen has changed greatly. 这一点明确以后,也不过两三年的时间,就改变了面貌。
- She is still young. In two or three years she'll make her mark in figure-skating. 她现在还年轻,不出两三年,也就会在花样溜冰方面崭露头角。
- After only two or three years, some people will forget all about it and then bureaucracy will return. 只要过两三年,他都忘记了,那个官僚主义又来了。
- In Passaic County, marriages that are on the rocks are being kept together, as least in the legal sense, for two or three years after the couple files for divorce. There aren't enough judges to hear the cases. 在新泽西州帕塞依克县,触礁的婚姻,至少就法律而言,在双方诉请离婚后两三年内仍然得以维系。因为审理案件的法官不足。
- As for Tibet, neither rent reduction nor agrarian reform can start for at least two or three years. 西藏至少在两三年内不能实行减租,不能实行土改。
- It got a lot of publicity at the time--two or three years ago--a money scandal of some kind. 两三年前,此人曾因一项钱财的舞弊丑闻闹得满城风雨。