- two doors off 隔壁第二家
- My father lives a few doors off. 再过去几家就是我父亲的住处。
- The design calls for two doors and four windows. 设计规定要两门四窗。
- Our manager lives three doors off. 我们经理住在隔壁第三家。
- A closed automobile, usually with two doors. 双门轿车封闭式汽车,通常有两个门
- They live just two doors up the street from us. 他们就住在我们家向北第二个门里。
- My house is two doors down from the Post Office. 过了邮局再走两家就是我家了。
- There are four windows and two doors in the wall. 墙上有四个窗户和两扇门。
- They live two doors up the street from us. 他们就住在我们家向北第二个门。
- A coupe is inconvenient for families as it only has two doors. 一部双门小轿车对一个家庭来说是不方便的,因为只有两个门。
- They blew the door off with a small charge of gelignite. 他们用一些炸胶炸掉了门。
- Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges . 搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
- It's a 1992 Mustang V6, two door automatic. 那是部1992年野马六汽缸双门自动波车。
- They blew the door off with a small charge of explosive. 他们用少量炸药把门炸掉。
- C'mon, what are the chances Xykon trapped two doors in a row? 来吧,Xykon怎么可能连续在两扇门的后面放陷阱?
- Two doors along, a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom. 走过两扇门,黑洞洞的幽暗中显现出注目的题目。
- Moving the piano will necessitate taking the door off its hinges. 搬钢琴就得把门从铰链上拿下来。
- On the east wall are two doors, one on either side of the staircase. 在东墙上有两个门,分别在楼梯两边。
- One door off stacking capacity, racking test load, and one door off test load. 单面去除的堆放容积,堆压负荷测试和单面去除的堆压负荷测试。
- They ran from building to building, pulling doors off or prying up roofs, calling in amplified voices. 它们从一座建筑跑到另一座建筑,扯掉大门或者掀开屋顶,用经过放大的声音不断地呼唤。