- two degrees of freedom gyro 二自由度陀螺罗盘
- Two degree of freedom gyro 二自由度陀螺仪
- In computer graphics, a lever with at least two degrees of freedom that is used as an input device, normally as a locator. 在计算机制图中用的一种操纵杆,至少有两个自由度,用作输入装置,通常用作定位器。
- The singularity loci and dexterity of two degrees of freedom asymmetric spherical five-bar mechanisms are investigated. 摘要针对非对称球面五杆机构,研究了机构的奇异轨迹曲线和灵巧度。
- In computer graphics,a lever with at least two degrees of freedom that is used as an input device,normally as a locator. 在计算机制图中用的一种操纵杆,至少有两个自由度,用作输入装置,通常用作定位器。
- One Vee-block arrests two degrees of freedom, and one long Vee-block or two short Vee-blocks limit four degrees of freedom. 两个短V形块组合或一个长V形块限制四个自由度;浮动式V形块只限制一个自由度。
- Based on the correlation principle, an algorithm to decomposite the damped free vibration signals of a two degrees of freedom system with close natural frequencies is put forward. 摘要基于单一频率成分的自由衰减振动响应信号的相关性原理,提出了一种频率密集成分的两耦合振子自由衰减振动响应信号的解耦算法。
- The general nonlinear differential equations of motion were deduced by using the second kind Lagrange's equation for the system with two degrees of freedom. 利用第二类拉格朗日方程,推导出二自由度系统的通用运动非线性微分方程。
- Similarly it contributes only one degree of freedom to B2 and two degrees of freedom to B. 类似地,它对B2只贡献一个自由度,对B贡献两个自由度。
- For two degrees of freedom vehicle model, the simulation of vehicle performance under the excitation of single frequency, signal is studied, its results show the adjustable fuzzy controller can evidently reduce the acceleration of the suspended mass. 针对简化的汽车模型,在以单频信号作为激励源的仿真研究过程中,该算法对悬架系统的振动控制收到了较好的效果。
- The main research findings are summarized as follows,A quarter-vehicle vibration model with two degrees of freedom and four vehicle parameters was built and the pavement surface roughness (PSR) was taken as the excitation in this model. 采用四分之一车辆振动模型,以路面不平整为激励,运用随机过程理论分析了车辆随机动荷载,探讨了车辆动荷载、动载系数及其峰值的概率分布以及车速、路面状况、车辆参数等对动载系数的影响。
- A method that uses two degrees of freedom(DOF) auxiliary mechanisms to path synthesize a five-bar mechanism was presented after analyzing the posts and inverted solutions of the five-bar mechanism. 对平面二自由度五杆机构的位姿形式及位置逆解进行分析之后,提出了用二自由度辅助机构进行全铰链五杆轨迹机构综合的方法。
- In this model,the tramcar was regarded as two degrees of freedom spring-mass-damper system,and the track was regarded as Bernoulli-Euler beam that locates on continuous and elastic ballast. 模型中,矿车被等效为两自由度弹簧-质量-阻尼系统,铁轨被等效为铺设在连续弹性道床上的伯努利-欧拉梁,矿车与铁轨的振动相互耦合。
- This paper presents the kinematics model and the velocity Jacobian matrix of the two degree of freedom motor. 给出了正交圆柱结构两自由度电动机的运动学模型及变换矩阵,推导了速度雅可比矩阵。
- In two degree of freedom design one generates an explicit trajectory for state and input around which the system is linearized. 机器人可依地形条件做出合适的步行运动,同时藉由平滑的腰部运动来保持步行之稳定性。
- bending with two degrees of freedom 多自由度弯曲
- two degrees of freedom planar five-link mechanism 双自由度五杆机构
- After determining the assemble scheme, the closed forward and inverse solution and velocity Jacobin matrix of the two degree of freedom parallel mechanism are obtained. 摘要在确定机构装配方式基础上,求解了二自由度并联机构的位置正反解和速度雅克比矩阵。
- Each F distribution has a pair of degrees of freedom. 每个F分布,都有一对自由度。
- T. Igusa &A. Der Kiureghian ”Dynamic Characterization of Two Degree of Freedom Equipment-Structure System” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 111, No. 1, 1985, pp. 1-19. 陈柏恺“考虑基底隔震的设备物动力反应分析”国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所硕士论文,田尧彰教授指导,民国94年6月