- twirl their thumbsvi. 抚弄大拇指(闲得无聊;不耐烦地靡时间)
- They unanimously turned their thumbs up. 他们一致表示赞成。
- Do you know anyone who used to suck their thumbs? 你知道谁以往吮吸手指头吗?
- Distributors from Vietnam give their thumbs up! 越南直销商举起拇指叫好!
- Sometimes they had nothing to do in the office and just sat twiddling their thumbs. 有时候办公室里无事可做,他们就坐著无聊地打发时间。
- Most children suck their thumbs but they grow out of it. 大多数孩子都吮拇指,大了就好了。
- Chinese people turn up their thumbs to express their appreciation. 中国人竖起大拇指表示赞赏。
- Every day these officials do nothing and twiddle their thumbs. 每天这些官老爷们什么也不干穷极无聊。
- On the first day of league action, corporate cheerleaders came out to lend their support and twirl their flags. 联赛开幕当天,企业组成的啦啦队到场助阵,到处旌旗一片。
- The ornithologists made Vs with their thumbs and forefingers, measuring angles. 鸟类学家们用大拇指和食指构成V形量测角度。
- Well, animators often use the fingernails on their thumbs to animate with. 好吧,动画师们常用手指来做动画。
- The ornithologists made Vs with their thumbs and forefingers,measuring angles. 鸟类学家们用大拇指和食指构成V形量测角度。
- Me and Pete will have trouble, we'll come under their thumb sooner or later. 我同彼得就要吃苦头,我们迟早会给人家压垮,压得服服贴贴。
- There was a time, very long ago, when such tenants might in anger “bite their thumbs” at the landlord. 有过一个时期(那是很久以前的事了),这些房客可能会在盛怒之下对房东“咬拇指”。
- Why should I be left alone holding the baby while all the boys are sitting around and twiddling their thumbs? 为什么这些苦差事都得我一个人干而男孩子们却懒洋洋地坐在那儿,闲得没事干?
- The American Academy of Family ???(Physicians) says most kids stop sucking their thumbs by the age of 4. 据美国家庭医师协会称,大多数儿童约会在4岁时停止这种吮吸拇指的行为。
- It is better for retirees to do something meaningful rather than twiddling their thumbs every day. 退休人员最好做些有意义的事,不要每天浪费时间。
- Then Adoni-Bezek said, "Seventy kings with their thumbs and big toes cut off have picked up scraps under my table. 亚多尼比色说,从前有七十个王,手脚的大姆指都被我砍断,在我桌子底下拾取零碎食物。
- It does not seem like a good idea for people to be working at full tilt one day and twiddling their thumbs the next. 让人们一天全负荷工作并且接下来的一天则无所事事似乎并不是个好主意。
- There is a tendency in most students to overemphasize their thumb strokes to the detriment of their finger strokes. 大多数学生都有过分注重的倾向从而破坏了其他手指的弹奏。