- But turtle eggs are considered a delicacy in that country and each year officials seize thousands from markets. 虽然海龟蛋珍稀,但是每年国家还是会在市场上没收数以千记地海龟蛋。
- "Scrambled turtle eggs make a meal for a nosy raccoon, drawn by the smell left by the nesting female. 这摊甲鱼蛋是大鼻子浣熊的一餐午饭,它是跟随着雌性动物产蛋期身上特有的气味寻来的。
- Mexico is major nesting area for the reptiles.But turtle eggs are considered a delicacy in that country and each year officials seize thousands from markets. 墨西哥是这种爬行动物的主要栖息地,但海龟蛋也被认为是该国的一大美味,每年官方都会从市场上没收数千只海龟蛋。
- The heat of the sun hatches turtles' eggs. 太阳的热能将陆龟的卵孵出小龟。
- The heat of the sun hatches turtles' eggs . 太阳的热能将陆龟的卵孵出小龟。
- Keywords whole turtle egg powder;cholesterol;bile acid;coprotanol;coprostanone; 甲鱼蛋粉;胆固醇;胆汁酸;粪甾醇;粪甾烯;
- It was a very strange feeling to have had those twelve warm turtle eggs in my hands, unsure if even one would reach maturity, while watching the other guy walk away the other seventy-seven, sealed in white plastic and certainly doomed. 手里握着这12只温暖的海龟卵,我有一种奇怪的感觉:我无法确定这12只海龟卵中是否甚至能有一只海龟存活,但是看着那个人封在白色塑料袋中带走的另外77只海龟卵,我明白它们的命运却是注定的。
- The turtle doesn't run so quickly as the hare. 乌龟没有兔子跑得那么快。
- Effects of turtle egg powder mixture on serum lipids of experimental hyperlipidemia rats 甲鱼蛋粉混合物对高脂模型大鼠血脂的影响
- Determination of Contents of Phospholipids and Proteins in Soft-shelled Turtle Egg 仿野生鳖卵的磷脂及粗蛋白含量测定
- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee. 我通常吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。
- They caught a large turtle on the shore. 他们在海滩上捉到一只大海龟。
- Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?
- Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall. 在风暴中我们的帆船翻了个底朝天
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。
- Fundamental study on the cholesterol-lowering effect of whole turtle egg powder in SD rats 甲鱼蛋粉调节大鼠血清胆固醇的基础研究
- Effect of a Mixer Containing Turtle Egg Powder on Serum Glucose Level in Hyperlipidemic Patients 甲鱼蛋粉混合物对高脂血症患者血糖的影响
- He laid an egg as a folk-song singer. 他唱民歌,不受听众欢迎。
- She buy a dozen of egg in the market. 她在市场上买了一打鸡蛋。