- turning ugliness into beauty 化丑为美
- Secondly,the works has applied the skill of satirical humor ,metaphor and comment that is direct art skill which chance ugly into beauty . 其次,作品中杰出的讽刺幽默、比喻、议论的运用,是化丑为美的直接艺术手段。
- And the sencond is the typification.In the dissertation, I think ugliness can not be changed into beauty by the typification. 针对第二种方式,本文认为,化丑为美并不应当是指典型化,而是指丑中本来就包含了美的萌芽,丑中辩证地包含了人的本质的无限的生成可能。
- The ugliness of one's hometown could only turn into beautiful spots in the eyes of those long-time wonderers on foreign land. 故乡的一切陋处,只有在经历了长长异邦旅程的人眼中才会转化为一种风味别致的亮点。
- "I believed If time passes,everything turns into beauty. “我相信如果时光流逝,一切都会变得美丽。
- I am getting fat.My face is turning ugly. 吃胖了,只有一张丑脸!
- To my Love. "My muse, my inspiration, my window into beauty. (给我的爱。我的女神。我的灵感。我通往美好的窗口。)
- In "Time of Joy" Zhang's "theme of turning suffering and hurt into beauty, is a way of quoting the old saying 'if you repeat a lie a thousand times, it becomes the truth'. 在其“欢乐时光”中,张小涛“将苦难和伤害变为美丽的主题,是一种引述古老名言的方式:谎言千遍成真理。
- Help me put Tom into beautiful clothes. 帮我给汤姆穿上漂亮的衣服。
- You can't pursue the learning of English very long without bumping into beauty! 在追求英语的过程中,须臾你就会与美不期而遇!
- Into beautiful memory that lasts. 留下美好的回味。
- The lion in the cage turned ugly. 笼子里的狮子抓狂了。
- Judging from the scientists I know, including Eva and Ruth, and those whom I've read about, you can't pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping into beauty. 从我所认识的以及读到的科学家,包括伊娃和鲁思她们的经历来看,在探寻自然规律的路上要不了多久便会与美不期而遇。
- A rude person turns ugly in the eyes of whoever sees her, but a nice person turns into a prettier person in the eyes of everyone who sees her. 动粗只会降低了你的自己的尊严,当矛盾产生的时候,冷静的转身,去一个安静的地方坐着,比如咖啡厅、茶楼,总之,想办法给自己空间去反省。
- They are turning waste land into paddy fields. 他们正在使荒地变为稻田。
- "If only that vixen could turn into a person, dad," said his daughter melancholically. "They used to say that foxes turned into beautiful girls. “爸爸,你那只沙狐要是能变人就好了。” 沙柳几分悒郁地望着迷蒙的沙坨深处,“传说狐狸不是能变美女的吗?
- "If only that vixen could turn into a person, dad," said his daughter melancholically. "They used to say that foxes turned into beautiful girls . “爸爸,你那只沙狐要是能变人就好了。”沙柳几分悒郁地望着迷蒙的沙坨深处,“传说狐狸不是能变美女的吗?
- Caterpillars turn into butterflies. 毛毛虫可以变成蝴蝶。
- Our party turned ugly when a drunk man started to throw bottles through the window. 晚会上有个喝醉的人竟然往窗外扔酒瓶,这让晚会的场面变得很不愉快。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。