- turbidity transducer 浊度传感器
- They use a bridge to measure the impedance of the transducer. 他们用电桥来测量传感器的阻抗。
- Turbidity Maximum in the Changjiang Estuary II. 长江河口最大浑浊带2。
- Turbidity is predominantly made by colloids. 浊度主要是由胶体物质造成的。
- What do turbidity currents result from? 混浊流是怎么引起的呢?
- Turbidity is an important index for drinking water. 简要叙述浊度是衡量水.;的一项重要指标。
- The human ear is an example of a transducer. 人耳是一种典型的传感器。
- The inductosyn can be used as a speed transducer. 如改变测量时间,则可作为一种速度传感器使用。
- Go find me a 16-gigawatt|temporal transducer! 去给我找160亿瓦的临时转换器!
- Then there is colour,and colour is not the same as turbidity. 其次是颜色,而颜色和浊度不同。
- A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages. 扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输出电压的转换器
- Calibration of scatter light turbidity measurement instrument. 散射光式浊度测量仪的校准。
- The error pickoff is an angle-to-voltage transducer. 误差检测器是把角度转换为电压的传感器。
- Then there is colour, and colour is not the same as turbidity. 其次是颜色,而颜色和浊度不同。
- Increased turbidity in a culture is another index of growth. 混浊度的增加是另外一个生长的指标。
- Turbidity can be divided into two kinds: biologic and abiologic. 混浊有生物和非生物两种。
- Pressure Transducer with local indication all stainless steel. 全不锈钢现场显示压力转换器。
- The Researching of New Type Feedback Electricity State Transducer. 新型馈电状态传感器的研究。
- Force that the force transducer is nominally designed for. 设计为力传感器标准值的力。
- Measuring range in which a force transducer is used. 力转换器所使用的量程。