- tunnel in debris flow deposit 泥石流隧道
- tunnel in debris flow 泥石流隧道
- Methodological research on numerical simulation and disaster risk assessment of debris flow deposition fan II. 泥石流堆积数值模拟及泥石流灾害风险评估方法2。
- The deep water allogenic deposition includes debris flow deposition (calcirudite), turbidite deposition (silty grain limestone) and internal tide deposition (laminated siltstone). 观音桥段的深水异地沉积包括碎屑流沉积(砾屑灰岩)、浊流沉积(粉砂质颗粒灰岩)和内潮汐沉积(纹层状粉砂岩)。
- According to different origins, it can be divided into three types: debris flow deposits, channel deposits and sheetflood deposits.The debris flow deposits is the best developed. 根据砾岩成因不同分为泥石流砾岩、河道砾岩和漫流砾岩等沉积类型,其中泥石流砾岩最为发育。
- Xiyu Formation is characterized by coarse debris flow deposits,marking the strong uplift of the northern part of Tibetan Plateau and unroofing of the West Kunlun. 西域组的沉积标志着作为物源区的西昆仑山已有相当的高度。
- The kid dug a tunnel in the sand. 小孩在沙堆里挖了一个地道。
- The debris flow hazards of the tunnel in Erlang Mountain and its prevention 二郎山公路隧道泥石流地质灾害及防治
- Keywords coal-seam washout zone;channel deposit;channel debris flow deposit; 煤层冲刷带;河道沉积;河道泥石流沉积;
- Relation of deberis flow speed and air concentration in debris flow 泥石流体中空气含量与流速关系图
- Analyzing Study on Graded Bedding Texture in Debris Flow Deposi ts 泥石流堆积层理结构的分析研究
- Debris Flow Study and Prevention in National Park II. 风景区泥石流研究与防治2。
- blasting mechanism of high-pressure con in debris flow 压胀机理
- Aluminum alloy housings Norte window in debris piles. 铝合金窗的外框扎在杂物堆上。
- The Research of Permeability on Lose Gravelly Soil in Debris Flow Original Area 泥石流源区弱固结砾石土的渗透规律
- Very many other animals dig tunnels in the earth. 许多其他的动物在地里挖坑道。
- In this paper, the debris flow characteristics of Heping gully are studied, which located in the west outlet of Erlang mountain Tunnel, Sichuan-Tibet Road. 从工程地质研究思路的角度出发,对位于川藏公路二郎山隧道西口和平沟泥石流进行了研究。
- We used to dig tunnels in the sand. 我们以前常在沙推中挖山洞。
- Proceeding from rheological properties of debris flow, the erosion deposit properties of debris flow surges in Jiangjia Ravine are discussed. 摘要从泥石流体流变特性的分析入手,深入地探讨了蒋家沟泥石流阵性流的淤积和冲刷特征。
- An Estimation Model for Critical Accumulation of Porous Solid Mass in Debris Flow Study 泥石流松散固体物质临界集聚量估算模型研究