- try difference method 试差法
- She kept the house quiet and dark and crept around silently,trying different methods of cooling me down. 她把家里保持得很安静,屋中暗暗的,走路轻轻地,想方设法让我平静。
- She kept the house quiet and dark and crept around silently, trying different methods of cooling me down. 她把家里保持得很安静,屋中暗暗的,走路轻轻地,想方设法让我平静。
- The nonlinear differential equations are solved using finite difference method. 用有限差分法求解非线性微分方程组。
- My wife and I like to try different restaurants. 我太太和我喜欢到不同的饭馆去试试。
- The buckling critical load is calculated with finite difference method. 用差分法求解这个方程,得到了连续油管的临界失稳载荷。
- Try different drivers for your graphics card. 尝试你的图形卡的其他驱动.
- Try different combinations until it sounds good. 尝试不同组合知道好听为止。
- Using limited difference method the stretching amount of a basin may be calculated. 通过有限差分方法解该方程可计算盆地的拉伸量。
- I resigned is because I want to try different things. 我辞职是因为我想尝试些不一样的东西。
- In this paper, difference method is used for solving tangential stress at the boundary on the basis of BEM. 本文在边界元法分析的基础上,用差分法计算边界切向应力。
- The way of using finite difference method to solve the dynamic response factors of a two dimension prob lem is shown. 同时还介绍了用有限差分法计算二维问题的响应系数的方法。
- By using a full-hidden finite difference method a numerical calculation was conducted of the above-cited model. 采用全隐式有限差分方法对模型进行了数值计算。
- And by means of Oula difference method, the unified constitutive equations numerical solutions were also obtained. 采用欧拉差分法,得到了统一本构方程的数值解。
- Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. 莫林试了很多不同的方式,想让自己滚动起来。
- Theory of finite element method and finite difference method for BFIA are briefly discussed. 摘要简要分析了用有限元法和有限差分法计算下部钻具组合的理论。
- Merlin tried different ways to make himself fool. 默林尝试不同的方法使自己看起来有点滑稽。
- He used different methods to test for allergies. 他用不同的方法测定变态反应性。
- The quadratic monotone interpolation characteristic difference method is proposed to overcome these defects. 为克服其不足,建立和研究了二次单调插值特征差分方法。
- The CPU time of the Hermite-Galerkin approximation is greatly less than that of the finite difference method. 对Navier-Stokes方程构造的Hermit-Galerkin近似 与有限差分近似相比,Hermite--alerkin近似数值分析的时间减少了许多。