- trust of imperfect obligation 不受法律约束的信托
- What is the effect of imperfect contrition? 问:下等痛悔有什麽效验?
- She had the implicit trust of her staff. 她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。
- Central Trust of Chian Co., Ltd. 中央信托局。
- Worthy of trust of friend! Thanks for your support! 值得信任的朋友!感谢您的支持!
- But does she have the trust of the staff? 但是她是否获得了职员的信任呢?
- Second teacher should gaine the trust of students. 其次要取得学生的信任。
- Don't take my trust of you as playgame. 不要把我对你的信任当成游戏.
- Right by these features, POCT won trust of people. POCT正是凭借它的这些特点赢得了人们的信赖。
- The rate of imperfect item is about twenty-five per thousand. 次品率约为25%25。
- She put herself into their hands with the trust of a little child. 她象小孩儿一样,一切让大家替她作主。
- He is a sincere and credible man who has earned the trust of all. 他为人一向正直笃诚,深得大家的信赖。
- Its produce on the basis of trust of client and relevant interests people and it include duty of care, confidentiality obligation and duty to disclosure. 它基于委托人和相关利益人的信赖而产生,主要分为注意义务、保密义务和告知义务。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- Auy divergence from such circumstances can be regarded as a state of imperfect information. 任何偏离这种情况都可视为信息不完全。
- The family pet was left in the trust of a neighbour. 这家的宠物委托邻居代管。
- It was beautiful.A world purged of imperfection and indeterminacy. 他在完成时,回首看着、欣赏着。
- Any divergence from such circumstances can be regarded as a state of imperfect information. 任何偏离这种情况都可视为信息不完全。
- What do you do to win the trust of Chinese suppliers? 如何取得中国供应商的信任?
- The turbidite was resulted from six cycles,and each of them includes A and B members of imperfect Boma succession. 浊积岩由6期事件形成,下部为不完整的鲍玛序列,分别由A、B2段构成;