- truncated glume 截形颖片
- A truncated or unfinished thing. 残缺不全或未完成的东西
- My article was published in truncated form. 我的文章以节录的形式发表了。
- The cell value is truncated in the cell display. 单元格值在单元格显示中被截断。
- Will be truncated to the length of the line. 返回的字符串将被截断为该行的长度。
- The data is padded or truncated on the left. 时,将在数据的左侧填充或截断数据。
- These strings are truncated to an empty string. 这些字符串被截断为空字符串。
- The second record has to be truncated. 第二个记录必须予以减短。
- Well, the vetting process was truncated. 好的,审查过程被删节了。
- Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains. 侵蚀削去了山脊。
- Lower glume of sessile spikelet pitted between veins. 在脉之间具洼点的无梗小穗的更低的颖片。
- Culms up to 1.5 m; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose. 秆可达1.;5米;稀疏的无梗小穗的上面颖片具柔毛。
- Upper glume sharply keeled throughout, keel narrowly winged. 全部上面颖片锐龙骨状,给狭翅装龙骨。
- He truncated a news item to fit the available space. 他删节一则新闻以适合可用的版面。
- Oligocene erosion had truncated the sediments draped over the dome. 覆盖于穹丘上的沉积岩为渐新世侵蚀所截削。
- The truncated nozzle is found to have a higher thrust. 截断的喷管具有较大的推力。
- This is formed by the swollen lowest rachilla internode and adnate lower glume. 膨胀的最低的小穗轴节间和贴生的更低的颖片形成这。
- The length of the lower glume is very variable, even within a single raceme. 更低的颖片的长度非常易变,即使在一单个的总状花序内。
- Further discussion was truncated by the arrival of tea. 到了吃茶点的时间,讨论便中止。
- The average phosphorus contents in different organs are grain>glume>leaf>stem. 不同器官的平均含磷量均为籽粒>颖壳>叶片>茎秆。