- They tried to have Tom arrested on a trumped up charge. 他们企图以莫须有的罪名把汤姆抓起来。
- She wasn't allowed to enjoy sex and if she was barren he could have the marriage annulled or divorce her on a trumped up charge of immodesty . 她没有享受性爱的权利,如果她不生孩子,丈夫就会捏造她行为不捡而和她离婚或解除婚约。
- The other version, by the historian Herodian, tells us that Caracalla had had Martialis' brother executed on a trumped up charge only a few days earlier. 我个人更愿意采用后一种说法,这听起来更可信。
- Although Mr. Lin had to get up early the next morning to go to business, he wrestled with his gloomy thoughts all night. A sudden sound on the roof sent his heart leaping with fear that Commissioner Pu had come to trump up charges against him. 明天一早林先生还得起来做生意,在一夜的转侧愁思中,他偶尔听得屋面上一声响,心就卜卜地跳,以为是卜局长来寻他生事来了;
- To fabricate or trump up charges 砌词捏控
- 1. She wasn't allowed to enjoy sex and if she was barren he could have the marriage annulled or divorce her on a trumped up charge of immodesty . 她没有享受性爱的权利,如果她不生孩子,丈夫就会捏造她行为不捡而和她离婚或解除婚约。
- Sylvia does not get on with the supervisor and the danger is that he will trump up some charge to discredit her. 西尔维亚与主管人相处得不好,因而害怕他会捏造一些罪名使她名誉扫地。
- If you are out to condemn sb, you can always trump up a charge. 欲加之罪, 何患无词。
- If you are out to condemn sb., you can always trump up a charge. 欲加之罪, 何患无词。
- These charges are trumped up and cannot hold water. 这些罪名是捏造的,是站不住脚的。
- The story was simply trumped up by him. 这故事只不过是他编造出来的。
- The emperor trumped up a charge against him and confiscates all his property. 皇上虚构了一项罪名给他,并且没收了他的所有财产。
- She wasn't allowed to enjoy sex and if she was barren he could have the marriage annulled or divorce her on a trumped?up charge of immodesty. 她没有享受性爱的权利,如果她不生孩子,丈夫就会捏造她行为不捡而和她离婚或解除婚约。
- If you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge. 管理人员对于留在顾客车内的东西概不负责。
- She was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown. 她始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
- The boy trumped up a fantastic story about his absence. 男孩为自己的缺席造一套离奇的谎话。
- Today he delivered up charge of his office to his successor. 今天他把办公室的大权移交给继承人。
- He trumped up a tale of having been robbed on the road. 他编造了一套谎言,说他在半路上被抢劫了。
- He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown. 他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
- That woman trumped up various baseless charges against him. 那个女人捏造种种毫无根据的罪名指控他。