- Is the meeting with true time diluent all affection? 时间真的会冲淡一切情感吗?
- Love was when I loved you One true time I hold you In my life we'll always go on. 爱是当我爱着你时。当我抱着你,在我有生之年我们都会在一起。
- Love was when i loved you one true time i hold to in my life we'll always go on. 爱情是当我爱上你,真真切切的一次,我的承诺,我坚持!在我生命里,我们将会,比翼连理,石烂海枯,一直继续。
- At last an assume of a new true time delay structure that combines Bragg grating and OEIC is put forward in this paper. 提出了一个将光纤光栅写入集成光学材料衬底中的真延时结构设想。
- Fiber grating True Time Delay and OEIC True Time Delay techniques are investigated and discussed in this paper. 本文围绕其中的光纤光栅真延时技术和集成光学真延时技术作了深入的了解和研究。
- Here we used reverse accumulated temperature methods to estimate postmortem interval and made accordant result with their true time. 本文对蝇蛆和蛹应用倒计积温的方法进行死亡时间推断,获得与实际死亡时间一致的结果。
- The series is a 20 x 30 minute episode TV production that will be marketed worldwide, and is based on the best-selling author Terry Deary's True Time Tales. 这部以英国畅销小说家特里.;迪瑞的小说为蓝本的动画系列片共20集,每集长达30分钟,该片将在全球范围内播出。
- The Dreamtime of True Timing projects the heartbeat of earth, or the rhythm with which all much attune to in order to align in present time to ascend together. 正确定时之梦想时间层投射出地球的心跳,或为了在当前时间排列来一起提升而调谐的节奏。
- True Timing allows the rhythm of all tones of creation in the symphony to play on time and in sync with one another. 真实定时让在谐音中的所有造物音调同时演奏,并彼此配合一致。
- One true time I hold you. 感觉拥有了你。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- True timing allows all rotation of field to be in time with one another and in time with the rotation of the field of earth. 真正计时,允许能量场的所有转动都彼此符合节拍,或者和地球能量场的振动保持节拍。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- The polis which characterized classical Greece germinated. Though the background of the epics were put in the Mycenaean age, the true time was the 10th to 8th centuries BC in Greece. 因此 ,史诗的背景虽然被放在迈锡尼时代 ,真正描写的却是公元前 1 0 -前 8世纪、尤其是公元前 8世纪的希腊世界
- I need some time to orient my thinking. 我需要一些时间来使我的思想适应。
- Calling upon True Timing when one has body aches and pains in ascension will facilitate a more rapid release of such blockages and etheric stuck points. 当你在提升中有着身体疼痛的时候召唤“真实定时”,这将促进你更快地释放这些堵塞和以太体阻滞点。