- I think much better of him after I have found out his true motive. 我发现他的真实动机后,对他的评价就高了。
- I think much better of him after I found out his true motive. 我发觉他的真实动机后,对他的评价高得多了。
- Her true motives only emerged later. 她的实际动机是后来才显露的。
- Yet Malfurion feared that Illidan's so-called altruism actually masked his true motive: Illidan hungered for magic and gave little thought to the cost. 玛法里奥却担心伊利丹这一无私的介词只不过是为了掩饰他真正的动机:伊利丹对魔法的饥渴已经使他不再考虑后果。
- In a slip of the tongue the schemer exposed his true motivation. 阴谋者一时口误暴露了自己的动机。
- His true motive. 他的根本动机
- This liaison,of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,gave rise here to a great deal of talk,since the Duke,known hitherto as an enormously wealthy man,now began to acquire a name for the prodigality. 他们这种关系,别人既不知道真正的缘由,也不知道确切的动机,所以在巴黎引起了很大的轰动。因为公爵曾以他的万贯家财而著称,现在又以挥霍无度而闻名了。
- This liaison, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one, gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known hitherto as an enormously wealthy man, now began to acquire a name for the prodigality. 他们这种关系,别人既不知道真正的缘由,也不知道确切的动机,所以在巴黎引起了很大的轰动。因为公爵曾以他的万贯家财而著称,现在又以挥霍无度而闻名了。
- Apparently, he used his personal grief to mask the true motives behind an extensive political purge. 看来,他是以个人的悲哀,掩饰政治上大肆铲除异己的真正动机。
- You identified the true Motivation for the change needed and the Motivation is big enough. 你确认你需要改变的真正动机;以及这个动机是足够的强大.
- Some negotiators use stubbornness as a way to distract counterparts from true motives. 有些谈判者用这种方法来分散对方的注意力,隐蔽自己的真正动机。
- This energy gives you a penetrating(敏锐的) insight into the real &true motivation of others... 这种能力能够让你拥有敏锐的洞察力来判断别人的真实动机。。。。。。
- On Tuesday and Wednesday, look beneath the surface. You can trust your intuition to uncover others' true motivations. 周二和周三,看清表面下的真相。你可以相信自己的直觉来揭开他人的真实动机。
- His sole motive is to make more money. 他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。
- Her prime motive was personal ambition. 她的主要动机是为了实现个人的志向。
- Still, whatever our true motivation, behaving virtuously is almost always a good thing -- and it will likely make us happier. 不管我们的真实动机如何,与人为善总是件好事,而且它还可以让我们觉得更加幸福。
- I don't understand what his motive is. 我不知道他的动机是什么。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- He showed his sinister motive at last. 他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。
- It is no surprise to anyone that, as in years past, Apple continues to keep its true motives well hidden, but some possibilities for the Aug. 7 WDC have managed to reach the Web. 它对任何人不是惊奇哪一, 当在数年过去中,苹果继续把它的真实动机保存得很好藏着之时, 但是一些可能性为那八月 7 日, WDC 已经设法到达网络。