- Some horses were drinking at a trough. 有些马在水糟边饮水。
- trough spillway 槽式溢洪道
- For years he has been smuggling watches trough customs. 许多年来,他一直在非法走私手表。
- So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough. 她迅速地把水罐里的水统统倒进水槽。
- They passed trough the village yesterday evening. 他们昨天晚上路过这个村子。
- A trough or flume used in washing ore. 槽洗机洗矿用的水槽或流槽
- The spillway face are RCC benched spillway face. 溢流坝面为碾压混凝土台阶式溢流面。
- A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof. 檐槽把雨水从房顶排走的水槽,装在屋檐边或檐下
- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- The trough is the lowest level of the cycle. 谷底是整个周期的最低点。
- A vessel, stone basin, or trough used for washing. 洗涤盆用于洗涤的器皿、石盆或用来清洗的水槽
- There is a longshore trough over there. 那边有一条沿岸槽。
- We want to use agency service trough do you agree? 我们想用中介人服务,你同意吗?
- You're not get in trough me, you! 你,你不可联系到我!
- The spillway of Fengyangshan Reservoir is a flank trough one, according to the local condition, its sluice has used a chequer overfall weir, and the top of the weir is WES-V one. 凤阳山水库溢洪道为侧槽式溢洪道,其泄洪闸采用格仓式溢流堰,堰顶采用WES-V型实用堰。
- A rack or trough for fodder;a manger. 饲料槽喂饲料用的架或槽;食槽
- A vessel,stone basin,or trough used for washing. 洗涤盆用于洗涤的器皿、石盆或用来清洗的水槽
- The pigs fed off the same trough. 那些猪从同一食槽里取食。
- They led the workhorses to the watering trough. 他们把耕马带到饮水槽去饮水。
- The importance of a safe spillway cannot be overemphasized. 安全溢洪道的重要性无论怎样强调也不会过分。