- trophodermal lacuna 滋养腔隙
- Detail of lacuna, showing radiating canaliculi. 骨陷窝放大观察,可见放射走行的骨小管。
- Repair immediately when the lacuna is discovered. 发现缺陷后立即修理。
- There was so much very deep lacuna in his crude big hands. 粗糙的大手上一道道很深的裂口。
- It is this political lacuna that makes optimists about Brazil so impatient. 正是这块政治上的疤痕使得对巴西的前景很有信心的乐天派们变得像热锅上的蚂蚁,如坐针毡。
- The results show the lacuna is shrinkage porosity with high degree carbon. 结果表明,细小孔洞为富碳的缩松缺陷,为合金熔炼时碳元素引起铝液渣、气污染造成。
- His long reticence temporarily distracted attention from a bigger lacuna. 他始终保持沉默,分散了人们对一个更大缺漏的注意力。
- Objective The clinical characteristics of lacuna encephalon infarction was analysis. 目的分析腔隙性脑梗死的临床特点。
- Determine the effect of BBC-containing serum on absorption of lacuna formed by OC in osteoblast and osteoclast co-culture system by toluidine blue staining. 运用甲苯胺蓝染色法观察含药血清对成骨细胞-破骨细胞共育体系中OC形成骨吸收陷窝的影响。
- Detail of Haversian system, showing the tiny, spidery canaliculi extending from one lacuna to the next. 高倍观察哈佛氏系统结构,可见如蜘蛛般结构的骨陷窝和骨小管彼此相连通。
- Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。
- Reasons of forming first cracks were foundry lacuna,impurity gathering,lard exiting. 铸造缺陷、杂质元素偏聚和夹杂物的存在是形成早期裂纹源的原因。
- Lacuna theory was originally developed by the school of Russian ethno-psycholinguistics. 摘要空缺理论是俄罗斯心理语言学空缺理论流派的研究成果。
- The lacuna of current shareholders' suits system rootin our especial historical backdrop and legislative idea. 这种股东诉讼的不完善,源自于我国特殊的历史背景和立法思路。
- Objective Discuss the types and clinical features of lacunar infarction (lacuna). 目的探讨老年腔隙性脑梗死的类型与临床特征。
- Allo stato attuale, sia molto caldo nel mercato, di colmare una lacuna della categoria di prodotto. 目前这两种在市场十分热销,属填补空白类产品。
- Objective To investigate the clinical value of transcranial Doppler (TCD) in cerebral lacuna infarct. 目的探讨经颅多普勒(TCD)检查在脑腔隙性梗死中的应用价值。
- And with new innovations in microscope technology, the lacuna between imaging speed and resolution continues to narrow. 在创新的显微镜技术下,摄影速度和解析度的缺口正在缩小。
- Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling. 我们对环境资源稀缺价值意识的增强,让这种忽略令人尤为担心。
- Therefore, the lacuna in harmonization of international/transnational merger control has understandably and deservedly attracted and become a subject in some fora. 从经济学角度观察,现今各国迳自执行其结合管制管辖权者,系罔顾全球消费者福利,仅就各个切割市场划分保护之结果。