- He pedaled his way up the slope. 他骑着脚踏车上坡。
- Now you can start to coast down the slope. 你现在可以开始顺坡向下滑行了。
- Let's slope off somewhere quiet and have a drink. 我们悄悄溜到什么地方去喝上一杯。
- I pulled the trigger and the gun went off. 我一扣扳机,枪就响了。
- He pulled the trigger of his rifle. 他扣响了他步枪的扳机。
- The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill. 医院在小山的东坡。
- His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。
- It is dangerous to climb up a steep slope. 攀登陡坡是危险的。
- In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger. 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。
- A car clipped down the slope of the mountain. 一辆汽车沿著山坡疾驰而下。
- I pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. 我扣动了扳机,可是枪打不响,那鹿也就逃走了。
- I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope. 我踩大油门,西风牌汽车加速爬上了斜坡。
- Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases. 物价上涨引起了增加工资的要求。
- A downward incline or passage; a slope. 斜面,斜坡向下的斜面; 倾斜面
- He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces. 他扣动扳机,瓶子当即被打得粉碎。
- trigger slope 触发陡度
- The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope. 蠕动岩石碎片和土壤沿着受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动
- To fire the gun, just pull the trigger. 开枪只需扣一下扳机就可以了。
- In the wind, the three oaks appeared staggering on the slope. 在风中,坡上的三棵橡树像是摇晃欲倒似的。
- We slithered down the muddy slope. 我们摇晃地滑下泥泞的斜坡。