- trichonocardiasis axillaris [医] 腑毛菌病
- I have to skip axillaris Cong, I am afraid to jump on a cluster axillaris plant would have hurt it. 直到遇到谷子地,她才确信自己的丈夫早已战死他乡。
- I do the opposite and parallel is axillaris Cong, Cong axillaris above are few old tree. 大家可以练一练,我很喜欢用这句话感谢他人。
- Wild plants are hawthorn, axillaris, Hippophae rhamnoides, Bupleurum, Campanulaceae, Ephedra, Phragmites, Plantago, etc. 野生动物有狼、豹、貂、狐狸等。
- Wild fruit trees are Prunus, apricot, axillaris, stator Hill, San chicken, and so on, In addition, the resource-rich sea buckthorn in the bush. 野生果树主要有山桃、山杏、酸枣、山定子、鸡桑等,此外,灌木中沙棘资源丰富。
- Artificial pigments,preservatives,sweeteners,sorbic acid,edible gum,etc. in Spondias axillaris jelly were determined by HPLC. 使用HPLC法对南酸枣糕中的合成色素、防腐剂、甜味剂、山梨酸、食品胶等成分进行了测定研究。
- The average individuals of various layer of C. axillaris plantation under the control burning were less than in the non-burning. 炼山处理下群落物种科属组成数量都少于不炼山处理的群落,时间动态上前者增长的幅度比后者小。
- Abstract: Artificial pigments,preservatives,sweeteners,sorbic acid,edible gum,etc. in Spondias axillaris jelly were determined by HPLC. 摘要: 使用HPLC法对南酸枣糕中的合成色素、防腐剂、甜味剂、山梨酸、食品胶等成分进行了测定研究。
- Axillaris are枣仁real tree, it distributed in the Yangtze River, north of the vast region, but only "the best枣仁Shunde House. 枣仁是酸枣树之实,它分布于长江流域以北的广大地区,但唯独“顺德府枣仁最佳”。
- Have survived the top, Su FORMATION, sludge River, Happy Valley, Ping, Wang axillaris, the generals and other attractions in the tomb. 有祖师顶、苏家寨、淤泥河、跑马坪、酸枣王、将军墓等名胜景点。
- Abstract: This study deals with the trees of Choerospondias axillaris which have an ancient and harmonic relationship with animals of Cervidae and hornbills. 摘 要: 研究了西双版纳地区的南酸枣与野生动物,特别是食果动物的关系,认识了其间的发展历史及人类影响下的动态变化。
- The results showed that the species number of C. axillaris plantation under the control burning was less than in the non-burning, but the increasing extent was different. 炼山处理群落中灌木层、草本层及藤本植物平均个体密度低于不炼山处理的群落;
- I carefully turned, and then do several deep breath, then put on shoes again.I do the opposite and parallel is axillaris Cong, Cong axillaris above are few old tree. 在庭审现场,周正龙称自己是在镇坪县林业局的再三催促下,为了交差,才想出拍假华南虎照片的主意。
- However,the size of planting hole has little effect on the survival ratio and growth of the young trees of Pinus elliottii and Choerospondias axillaris. 试验结果同时表明,种植穴大小对南酸枣和湿地松的成活率及其3年生幼树生长影响不显著。
- Spondias axillaris Roxb. 南酸枣
- Pachysandra axillaris Franch. 板凳果
- After tree pruning in early June 2001, relative PAR index of the peanut crops was increased to 88.7% and 67.5% from 79.2% and 63.4% in May in the 5-year-old and 9-year-old Choerospondias axillaris alley cropping systems, respectively. 2001年6月初剪枝后;5龄和9龄南酸枣间作系统花生相对光合有效辐射分别从5月份的79.;2%25和63
- An affforestation trial of Choerospondias axillaris containing 25 provenances collected from 8 provinces (zones) was conducted in Yuhang, Zhejiang Province and Shaowu, Fujian Province. 摘要对来自8个省(区)的25个南酸枣种源在浙江余杭和福建邵武进行了造林试验。
- The effects of moisture content and temperature on the storage behavior of seeds of Gordonia axillaris (Boxb.) Dietr., Pistacia chinensis Bunge, and Koelreuteria henryi Dummer were investigated. 摘要本文旨在探讨不同含水率与不同温度对于大头茶、黄连木及台湾栾树等种子之储藏效果。
- Wild animals are badgers, ferrets, rabbits, eagles, sparrow hawk, owl, snake, scorpion, etc.. Wild plants have axillaris, Vitex, etc.. Produces mainly snow peach, Mopan persimmon, strawberry. 野生动物有獾、鼬、兔、鹰、鹞、猫头鹰、蛇、蝎等。野生植物有酸枣、荆条等。土特产主要有雪桃、磨盘柿子、草莓。