- But he used the lull to expand his army of Taliban and suicide-bombers in the tribal area of South Waziristan. 趁此喘息机会,他致力扩张自己的军备,并在瓦齐里斯坦南部地区训练自杀爆炸部队。
- Their lethal sting has been felt in villages and hamlets across the Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA). 各处自然村和联邦直辖部落地区(FATA)的小村落感受到了致命的刺痛。
- They went as far as to call for a search of three walled compounds in the Kurram tribal area. 他们的研究精确到可以推测拉登藏身在库拉姆部落地区一间三面有围墙的大院里。
- Wudu this area, such as whitekang xian the whole tribal area, County Road, not home. 今武都区、康县等为白马氐部落辖区,未置道县。
- They say that helicopters ferried the troops from Afghanistan to a tribal area of south Waziristan, a heaven for Taliban fighters. 还说直升机将部队从阿富汗空运到南瓦齐里斯坦一部落地区。
- It's thought to be the first time the US military has attacked targets in the Orakzai tribal area near the Afghan border. 以前的居民被允许进入该四川省四天,为每年一次的清明节去祭奠和哀悼死者。
- The bloodshed was linked to a planned offensive by the army against Islamist militants in the tribal area of South Waziristan. 瓦济里斯坦南部部落区的反伊斯兰激进分子的武装力量与这多起有预谋的袭击有关。
- Pakistan said it was massing forces in the tribal area of South Waziristan, in readiness for an offensive against Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban. 巴基斯坦称其部队在南瓦齐里斯坦部落地区逐步就位,准备对塔利班武装组织领导人巴伊图拉.;迈赫苏德发出进攻。
- The attack, in the village of Shah Hasan Khan, was blamed on the Pakistani Taliban, who have been resisting a Pakistani army offensive in the neighbouring tribal area of South Waziristan. 是次发生在沙哈山汗村的袭击,由在南华兹利坦附近部落地区长期抵抗巴基斯坦军队进攻的巴基斯坦塔利班发起。
- The region is also home to Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida, who use Waziristan and other parts of the tribal area as a haven to regroup and launch attacks against Afghan and Nato forces. 瓦齐里斯坦是阿富汗塔利班和基地组织的基地。它们在这里联合其它部落地区,展开反抗阿富汗和北约的袭击。
- A spokesman for U.S.-led coalition forces in Afghanistan says the increase in attacks was greatest near North Waziristan -- a tribal area where Pakistani authorities agreed to a truce with militants. 美国领导的驻阿富汗联军发言人说,北瓦济里斯坦附近的袭击事件增加得更多;那是一个部落地区,巴基斯坦当局同意与那里的激进分子休战。
- The FATA are Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas, along the Afghan border. FATA是巴基斯坦联邦管辖部落区域,毗邻阿富汗边境。
- General Khan says that elimination of militants from this agency will discourage militancy in other tribal areas. 塔里克汗将军说,剿灭这个机构的激进分子会削弱其他部落地区的暴力活动。
- Far bloodier outrages are all too common, and not just in the wilds of the tribal areas near Afghanistan. 比这更加血腥的暴力事件时有发生,而且发生地也不仅限于与阿富汗交界的那一片无法无天的部落区域。
- With rough control over the tribal areas, the army could do a better job of quelling jihadist raids into Afghanistan. 政府军对部落区管理并不上心,否则便能够更好的制止圣战分子袭击阿富汗。
- But piecemeal operations of this kind have merely shunted al-Qaeda and other militants around the tribal areas. 但是这种零星的行动只不过是将部落区的基地组织和其他武装力量分割了而已。
- If Pakistan is serious about defeating the Taliban, the tribal areas must be somewhat tamed. 如果巴基斯坦真的要打败塔利班,部落区应该稍微温顺点。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The displaced people are staying in Lower Dir and Marden, 2 tribal areas in Pakistan's north west frontier province. 那些流离失所者住在巴基斯坦西北部边境省两个部落区--下第尔和马尔丹。
- Its hands are full tackling the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the tribal areas of the country abutting Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦军方的全部精力都放在应对在毗邻阿富汗的部族地区内频繁活动的塔利班和基地组织。