- His talk about apartheid created agitation. 他的关于种族隔离的谈话激起了骚动。
- Tribal dancers were wearing grotesque masks. 部落中跳舞的人戴着古怪的面具。
- tribal apartheid 按部族实行的种族隔离
- Her father recently died in a tribal war. 她父亲最近死于部落战争。
- All attempts to bolster up apartheid are bound to fail. 一切想维护种族隔离的企图都是注定要失败的。
- The linguist go to study tribal language in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。
- A deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites. 奥秘; 古老而神秘的部落仪式
- Even the racialist find it difficult to make out a case for apartheid. 甚至种族主义者也很难提出有利于种族隔离的理由。
- The linguists went to study tribal languages in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。
- Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally. 部落的知识和风俗口耳相传保存下来。
- The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities. 这个国家因为部落之间激烈仇恨而弄得四分五裂。
- Apartheid Museum in a town of Soweto. 位于索韦托镇的种族隔离博物馆。
- Apartheid is absolutely unambiguous. 种族隔离绝对不是含糊的。
- They buried the man following the tribal customs. 他们按照部落习俗把那个人埋了。
- Earth Against Apartheid Foundation, Inc. 全球反对种族隔离基金会
- To cause to lose tribal membership and customs. 使脱离部落使失去部落成员资格和部落传统
- The world knows a great deal about apartheid. 世人对种族隔离了解甚多。
- It is on this division that apartheid rests. 它在种族隔离政策休息的这区分上。
- Spinks, Charlotte."A New Apartheid? 新种族隔离政策?
- Tribal Baseball by Shadowlight Games! 一个棒球游戏吧,很不错!