- trends of social need 社会需求动态
- Globalization has become a fact and a trend of social development. 全球化是当今社会发展的基本趋势和经验事实。
- Urbanization is an inevitable trend of social development. 城市化是社会发展的必然趋势。
- Trend of econcomy. With the match of social infrastructure and policy. 原文:在经济持续增长的趋势和社会软、硬体的配合下。
- The development of computer technology and the extension of social need made the field expansion of GIS. 计算机技术的迅速发展和社会需求的不断增大,使GIS技术逐渐走向成熟,应用领域迅速扩大。
- However,the final alternativeness of social history still depends on the actualities and development trends of social materia... 现代化理论则认为发展是指运动变化的上升性、进步性趋势。
- Judge a kind of social ideal is that whether accord with human nature and the true development trend of the human society. 而判断一种社会理想是否具有人类性价值的基本标准则要看其是否符合人性,是否符合人类社会的真实发展趋势。
- The socialization of the professional jargon is the production of choice of social need and the change of vocabulary elements. 摘要行业语的社会化是社会需要选择和语言内部要素变化共同作用的产物。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- The chart shows an up trend of meat prices. 图表显示肉价呈上升趋势。
- Western liberalism, money worship, gastronomy, individualism and utilitarianism are the main trend of social thoughts which have greatly impacted current university students. 西方自由主义、拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义、功利主义等是影响当代大学生思想的主要社会思潮。
- The trend of prices is still upwards. 物价仍有上涨趋势。
- Urbanization is the trend of social development today,and the traditional model of providing for the aged depending on the land are challenged tremendously. 城镇化已成为当今社会发展的一大趋势,传统的以土地为中心的家庭养老模式也随之受到巨大的冲击。
- In western countries,it is the trend of social development that NGO existed and developed,based on dualization of the state and society and autonomous space of civil society. 在西方,第三部门的存在与发展是社会发展的必然,是在国家与社会的二元化与市民社会的自治空间的社会基础上发展起来的,其发展路径一般表现为自下而上的自发为主的过程。
- Zeitgeist is the dominant ideology of a historical era, reflecting the main trend of social, philosophical, and scientific thoughts of that period in time. 时代精神是一个历史时期的社会、哲学和科学发展的总体思潮,即一个时代的意识形态。它影响着一个时期的学术思想倾向。在心理学的发展史中,时代精神的影响是明显的。
- He is totally ignorant of social usage. 他对社会习俗一无所知。
- Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。
- The town oriented development of rural is an inexorable trend of social development,a key strategy of modernization,but now there is none united explanation. 城镇化是社会发展的必然趋势,是我国现代化建设的必由之路,但目前对城镇化内涵的还没有一个完整统一的认识。
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- Seeing from the trend of social development,the relationship between State and Society will be changed,that is,from the former national dominative mode to social cooperative mode. 从我国的长期历史发展趋势来看,在国家与社会的关系上,将从国家主导型向国家与社会合作型转变。