- They had the most tremendous row. 他们吵得天翻地覆.
- The two dogs,left locked up in the house,kicked up a tremendous row. 被锁在屋里的两条狗大叫大闹起来。
- The two dogs ,left locked up in the house ,kicked up a tremendous row . 被锁在屋里的两条狗大叫大闹起来。
- The two dogs , left locked up in the house , kicked up a tremendous row . 被锁在屋里的两条狗大叫大闹起来。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- The two dogs, left locked up in the house, kicked up a tremendous row 被锁在屋里的两条狗大叫大闹起来。
- He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
- She dealt him a tremendous blow with the poker. 她用拨火棒重重地打了他一下。
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。
- I had a stand-up row with my boss today. 今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。
- A row of trees screened our view. 一排树木挡住了我们的视线。
- The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound. 爆炸发出巨大的声响。
- I marvel at his tremendous achievements. 对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹。
- They tried to row the small boat off with a paddle. 他们试图用桨把小船划开。
- She does her work with tremendous vigour. 她工作起来干劲十足。
- Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排。
- Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. 她的演说对大家震动很大。
- This row has been simmering for months. 这场争吵已憋了好几个月了。
- We got a tremendous surprise when she arrived. 她的到来使我们大吃一惊。
- Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。