- Never before have the masses heen fired with such tremendous enthusiasm. 群众从来没有像现在这样意气风发。
- By his speech, he whipped up tremendous enthusiasm among the audience. 他用演说激发了听众的极大热情。
- Edgerton turned onto the new path with tremendous enthusiasm, and the results came quickly. 埃杰顿以极大的热忱朝这一新的研究方向前进,不久便取得了成果。
- I hope that my team members to maintain the momentum and tremendous enthusiasm, which is the defending World Cup champion to be required only way. 我期望我的队员们保持巨大的动力和狂热,这是我们要卫冕世界杯冠军所需要的唯一的方式。”
- Among them are the three Erhu rhapsodies, which have been greeted with tremendous enthusiasm in the Erhu circle and even the whole traditional instrument circle of our country. 王建民作为第四个时期的优秀代表之一,从1988年至今已陆续创作出六部二胡作品(另外还有十几首古筝乐曲,也同样取得了很大的成功)。
- After crossing the river,we noticed that people were extremely displeased with the reactionary Kuomintang rule and warmly applauded the policies of the Communist Party. Workers and students,in particular,expressed tremendous enthusiasm for the revolution. 渡江后我们看到,人民对国民党反动统治十分厌恶,对共产党各种政策表示热烈欢迎,尤其是工人、学生表现了高度的革命的积极性。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- He was carried away by his enthusiasm. 热情使他的头脑不够冷静。
- He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
- Our enthusiasm remained unabated. 我们的热情一如既往。
- She dealt him a tremendous blow with the poker. 她用拨火棒重重地打了他一下。
- The press has given the show a tremendous build-up. 新闻界为这一演出大造声势。
- We were received with enthusiasm. 我们受到热烈的欢迎。
- His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company. 他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。
- The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound. 爆炸发出巨大的声响。
- I marvel at his tremendous achievements. 对他的巨大成就我感到惊叹。
- He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters. 他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。
- She does her work with tremendous vigour. 她工作起来干劲十足。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。
- He spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. 他以特有的热情说话。