- The trees and shrubs were in full leaf. 那些树和灌木枝叶茂盛。
- trees in full leaf. 长满叶子的树木
- October autumn, hibiscus hibiscus tree in full flower, beautiful, lovely. 金秋十月,芙蓉树上开满了芙蓉花,美丽、可爱。
- It was the sweet allurement of the mimosa tree in full bloom that finally overcame my fears. 那是因为合欢树盛开的粉红花儿,飘起芳香,对我产生强烈的吸引力,且将我的恐惧给予决定性的溃击。
- Tokyo,Japan, April 3, 2009--Visitors to Ueno Park watch cats resting on the branch of a cherry blossom tree in full bloom. 2009年4月3日,日本,东京---上野公园的游客们注视着在开满樱花的樱花树枝上休憩的猫儿们。
- He theorizes that clematis wilt isn't simply a fungal infection, but a failure of the stems to carry enough water to the foliage when the plants are in full leaf and the weather is stressful. 他提出,铁线莲枯萎病并非简单的真菌感染,而是当植株长满叶子并且天气恶劣时,茎干未能成功运送足够的水分到叶。
- The sap rises in trees in springtime. 春天树中的汁液向上流动。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- She removed her blouse in full view of everybody. 她当着大家的面脱掉短上衣。
- There is a lemon tree in our garden. 我们的花园里有一棵柠檬树。
- The hounds were in full cry after the fox. 猎狗一齐紧追那只狐狸。
- We should dig those young trees in a bit deeper. 我们应该把小树埋得深一些。
- The peonies are in full bloom now. 现在牡丹花正盛开。
- Buds appear on the trees in spring. 春天树木发芽了。
- Effort and achievement are always in full accord. 努力和成就总是相辅相承的。
- The redbreasts nested in the trees in our garden. 红胸鸟在我们庭院里的树上做巢。
- The party was in full swing when we arrived. 我们到达时恰值聚会的高潮。
- There is a tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一棵树。