- Even an insured person who becomes iii may be presented with a bill for 20% or more of the (significant) treatment cost. 即使是上了保险的病人也可能要先交(主要)治疗费用的20%25,甚至更多。
- The virtual treatment cost was 788 million Yuan, amounting to 74.7% of the total pollution. 水环境污染损失为7.;88亿元,占总污染损失的74
- The treatment cost is considerable, and the sporters lives will be influenced by these traumas. 这种高损伤率不仅意味着社会将付出高额的医疗经费,更严重损害了运动者的生活质量。
- As an oxidizer, the removal efficiency and treatment cost of NaClO are better than H2O2. 双氧水、次氯酸钠这两种氧化剂中采用次氯酸钠氧化对原水中砷的去除效果及处理成本最佳。
- Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP. 支付由家庭医生介绍的足医师的费用。
- Covers Osteopathy treatment costs on referral from a GP. 支付由家庭医生介绍的整骨师的费用。
- Covers physiotherapy treatment costs, after referral by a GP. 支付由家庭医生推荐的物理治疗费用。
- Late diagnosis and treatment cost Zahida, 65, severely, with one of her legs amputated due to serious complications from diabetes. 迟来的诊断和治疗令到65岁的Zahida因严重的糖尿病并发症而切除一腿。
- This project follows the latter: to obtain geGDP by deducting the treatment cost of the industrial pollution from the traditional GDP. 本课题采用的是第二种方法:在现行GDP中扣除工业污染治理成本的绿色GDP。
- Trivalent chromium electroplating not only can reduce pollution obviously and save pollution treatment cost, but also can improve the quality of electroplating products. 三价铬电镀不仅可明显减少电镀对环境的污染,节省大量的污染治理费用,而且还可提高电镀产品的质量。
- There is a substantial variation in waste strength and waste treatment costs. 废水浓度和处理费有明显差别。
- About medical treatment cost, if the unit dropped medical treatment insurance, can submit an expense account to social insurance device, can sign up for a part only. 关于医疗费,假如单位投了医疗保险,就可以到社会保险机构报销,只能报部分。
- These half month has salary. The medical treatment cost during inductrial injury, food pays accessorial cost by the unit, if he does not apply for labor arbitration to you. 这半个月是有工资的。工伤期间的医疗费、伙食补助费等都由单位支付,他要是不给你就申请劳动仲裁。
- The anxiety rate of the senile patients was 94.0%, and the occurrence had no relationship with the patient's sex(P>0.05), but had relationship with age, education, treatment purpose and treatment cost (P<0.05). 老年患者产生焦虑反应率为94.;0%25。 产生焦虑反应的原因与性别无关(P>0
- The medical treatment cost that place of worker family sickbed produces, by as a whole fund pays 80% , the others charge pays by capital of balance of past years of account of individual medical treatment, skimpy share by individual out-of-pocket expense. 职工家庭病床所发生的医疗费用,由统筹基金支付80%25,其余费用由个人医疗帐户历年结余资金支付,不足部分由个人现金支付。
- In spite of ten years of treatment costing billions of yuan, the pollution in Taihu Lake continues to worsen. 对太湖污染的治理已经用去了数十年,耗资数十亿,情况却日渐恶化。
- Dyeing and printing wastewater was treated biologically and then by "fluidized activated carbon" in place of flocculation to lower the treatment cost, decrease the sludge quantity and raise the treatment to a very high level. 摘要印染废水经过生化处理后,采用“流炭法”取代混凝沉淀,可节省处理费用,减少污泥生产量,同时可使废水达到很高的处理要求。
- There were no significant differences(P>0.05) in the rates of effectiveness, ADR, and bacteria clearance, but the treatment cost in Group B was higher than that in Group A(P<0.05). 2组在临床疗效、不良反应发生率及细菌清除率方面无显著性差异(P>0.;05);但B组的治疗费用却明显高于A组(P<0
- Complete destruction of cyanide to ??would increment the treatment costs above those presented above for simple oxidation to cyanate. 氰化物完全破坏成二氧化碳会使处理费用高过上述简易氧化成氰酸盐的费用。
- Population density can be expected to be related to wastewater treatment costs in several ways. 人口密度从多方面影响到废水处理费用。