- He was told not to tread the earth round the roots of the seedling. 他被吩咐不可把树苗根部周围的土踩硬。
- Tread the earth down around the roots 把根部周围的泥土踩实
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- Every day the children tread the same path through the woods. 孩子们每天都走林中的同一条路。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- The earth is only a speck in the universe. 地球在宇宙中只不过是一个小点罢了。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 红太阳照亮了天空和大地。
- He dived his hand into the earth. 他将手插入泥土中。
- Look! The Lord is coming from his dwelling place; he comes down and treads the high places of the earth. 看哪,耶和华出了他的居所,降临步行地的高处。
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- Every day he trod the same path to school. 他每天都走同一条路上学。
- Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth. 许多动物已人地球上消失了。
- The heavy wheels churned the earth into mud. 笨重的车轮将大地碾成了泥浆。
- What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans? 地球上百分之多少被海水覆盖着?
- His success in amateur theatricals led him on to think he could tread the boards for a living. 他业余演戏很成功,他因此觉得自己可以以演戏为生。
- The heated air drinks up the moisture of the earth. 热空气把土里的湿气都吸干了。
- A sweet smell emanates from the earth after rain. 雨後一种香气从地面发散出来。
- There are millions of living things on the earth. 世界上有数以百万计的生物。
- He trod the room from end to end. 他从房间的这一头走到那一头。