- His eyes travelled over the scene. 他的目光扫视了一下现场。
- Her eyes traveled over the scene. 她双目扫视了一下这个场面。
- His eyes traveled over the scene. 他的目光扫视了一下现场。
- His eye travelled over the scene [the enemy's positions]. 他的目光扫视了一下这个场面[敌军的阵地]。
- The moon-light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the Sword Dance. 他们跳起了剑舞,这时明月当空,使景色更加增添了迷人的气氛。
- My mind traveled over the happy days of my boyhood. 我脑海里时时浮现出少年时代那些快乐的事。
- The moonlight cast a glamour over the scene. 月光给景色增添了魅力。
- I left the scene quickly, not Wishing to witness the crowd exulting over the capture of the unfortunate people. 我赶快离开现场,不想目睹那些家伙幸灾乐祸地看着不幸的人被捕。
- travel over the scene 扫视一下这个场面
- His eyes travelled over the landscape. 他饱览风光。
- My eyes traveled over the office. 我环顾了一下办公室。
- He ranged his eyes over the scene before him. 他举目眺望,饱览展现在眼前的景色。
- Too much weight and travel over the material can damage it. 过重和过多的交通附于这种材料商能损毁它。
- Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene. 我们还是发点慈悲,其余的部分不用再说下去了。
- Her eye traveled over the pupils. 她的目光扫视了学生。
- His eyes traveled over the plain. 他的眼睛扫视平原。
- How much territory does he travel over? 他旅行的地方有多大?
- Her mind travelled over the recent events. 她在心里把最近发生的事情一一想了一遍。
- Audio text allows voice and data to travel over the same plain old telephone service phone line during the same call. 声音文本允许在同一通话期间,声音与数据通过普通的旧有电话服务的同一线路上进行传输。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。