- Objective:To probe into the effective method of postoperative analgesia in traumatic orthopedic department, and to observe the effect of PCEA. [目的]探讨创伤骨科术后镇痛的有效方法,观察自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)的镇痛效果。
- DESIGN:A complete randomized experiment SETTING:The Department of Traumatic Orthopedics and Hand Surgery of the First Affiliated ... 广西医科大学第一附属医院创伤骨科、手外科广西壮族自治区南宁市;
- Our journey home was pretty traumatic. 我们归途中不太顺心。
- traumatic orthopedic 创伤骨科
- Prospects for primary study on trauma orthopedics 创伤骨科基础研究展望
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身体的损伤,发炎或损伤
- Beijing Otto Bock Orthopedic Industries Co., Ltd. 北京奥托博克假肢矫形器工业有限公司。
- She has been through a very traumatic experience. 她经历了一件很痛苦的事。
- Is a person in get traumatic when what should do? 一个人在受到创伤的时候该做些什么?
- Eye traumatic vitreous body hematocele 15. 眼外伤性玻璃体积血15只眼。
- Of traumatic sex arthritis optimal cure a method? 创伤性关节炎的最佳治愈方法?
- If the child has serious emotional disturbance; orthopedic impairment; autism; traumatic brain injury; other health impairments; or specific learning disabilities. 如果小孩存在严重的情绪紊乱、外形缺陷、自闭症、外脑创伤、其他身体伤害或者是在某方面有学习障碍。
- To subject to psychological trauma. 使受到心理创伤
- Q. What do you call two orthopedic surgeons reading an ECG. 问:你若看到两个骨科医生在读心电图,你会怎么想?
- It's the deepest trauma of our existence. 这在我们的生命史上是最惨重的一次打击了。
- I'm not having a brain trauma, am I, doctor? 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?
- Optional long-length imaging is ideal for orthopedic applications. 可选的超长成像对于整形外科应用最为理想。
- Hello, I'm an orthopedic surgeon. What happened to your leg? 您好,我是骨科医生。您的腿怎么了?
- Do the bruises occur spontaneously or after trauma? 这些紫斑是自发的还是受伤后出现的?
- Hello, I'm an orthopedic surgeon.. What happened to your leg? 你好,我是骨科医生,你的腿怎么了?