- Our journey home was pretty traumatic. 我们归途中不太顺心。
- traumatic astigmatism 外伤性散光
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身体的损伤,发炎或损伤
- They have what is called astigmatism. 他们有所谓散光。
- How can you raise the eyesight of astigmatism? 怎样能提高散光的视力?
- Can you become astigmatism operation only? 能不能只做散光手术?
- How can you treat astigmatism myopia? 怎样可以治疗散光近视?
- She has been through a very traumatic experience. 她经历了一件很痛苦的事。
- Is a person in get traumatic when what should do? 一个人在受到创伤的时候该做些什么?
- Eye traumatic vitreous body hematocele 15. 眼外伤性玻璃体积血15只眼。
- Of traumatic sex arthritis optimal cure a method? 创伤性关节炎的最佳治愈方法?
- To subject to psychological trauma. 使受到心理创伤
- It's the deepest trauma of our existence. 这在我们的生命史上是最惨重的一次打击了。
- I'm not having a brain trauma, am I, doctor? 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?
- Do the bruises occur spontaneously or after trauma? 这些紫斑是自发的还是受伤后出现的?
- What thing can treat myopia and astigmatism excuse me? 请问有什么东西可以治疗近视和散光?
- Myopic astigmatism is systemic sex disease actually. 近视散光实际上是全身性疾病。
- I'm not having a brain trauma,am I,doctor? 医生,我是不是脑部生瘤呢?
- Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism. 眼睛问题.;先天性弱视
- The patient suffered severe brain trauma. 患者的大脑受到严重损伤。