- The transport of goods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。
- Transport of goods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。
- The transport of goods by air costs a lot. 空运货物很贵。
- Zhenzhuyan Zhulu:ji manufacturing, transport of goods. 制造珍珠岩助滤剂、货物运输。
- Commercial transportation of goods. 货运商业货物运输
- The transportation of goods by air costs a lot. 航空运输货物花费很高。
- Transportation of goods on a lighter. 驳运用驳船运送货物
- She was in a transport of delight at the good news. 她听到这好消息欣喜若狂。
- Container is now wildly used in transportation of goods. 货柜现在被广泛用于货物运输。
- The buyer is responsible for the following costs and charges in the sale and transport of goods. 买方承担货物运输和销售中的成本和费用。
- The release of a container to a carrier or amounts paid to a carrier to charter the transport of goods. 发放集装箱给一个承运人,或者支付包租货物运输的费用给承运人。
- Transportation of goods were suspended as a result of bad weather. 货运由于天气原因暂停了。
- These people did not want the railroads to completely control the transport of goods. 这些人不想让铁路完全控制商品的运输。
- Dangerous and difficult roads made it hard to travel in the region. The transport of goods and the delivery of mail had to depend on human and animal power. 旧西藏交通险阻,行路艰辛,贷物运输、邮件传递全靠人背畜驮。
- End-to-end supply chain management comprises the sourcing and transport of goods from point of origin to final customer destination. 端到端的供应链管理包含从发货地点采购商品直至运送到最终客户指定的地点。
- Incoterms 2000 By the 1920s, commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and liabilities with regard to the sale and transport of goods. 虽然在国际商务中所使用的销售条件和国内合同中通常所用的销售条件听起来很相似,但是它们的含义往往不同。
- Rwanda and Burundi should benefit from cheaper and quicker transport of goods to and from the ports of Mombasa and Dar es Salaam. 卢旺达和布隆迪能从来往于蒙巴萨和达累斯萨拉姆港口的更廉价更快捷的货物运输中获利。
- Taiwan is now owned 460 vehicles, transport equipment advanced, with strong transport capacity, transport of goods across the country. 现自有车辆460台,运输设备先进,具备强大的运输能力,货物运输遍及全国各地。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。
- It's of good quality. I think I'll take it. 这个质量好。我就买它吧。