- However, with our national commerce bank overall developing, transnational management exploiting and international market capturing, there is a great disparity between our competitive strength and the large - scale intemational financial businesses. 但是,我国国有商业银行目前要全面开展跨国经营,开拓国际市场,到国际金融市场上去占有一席之地,其竞争实力与国际大型金融企业集团尚有很大差距。 因此,国有商业银行在走出国门前后,必须进一步加快改革与发展的步伐,不断提升自己的综合实力和国际竞争力。
- the model of transnational management 跨国管理模式
- China trains transnational management high level managerial talent 中国培训跨国经营高级管理人才
- Transnational Management of Enterprises in Yunnan in AFTA 云南企业在东盟自由贸易区跨国经营思考
- Enlightenment of Wal-Mart Transnational Management model on Chinese Enterprises 沃尔玛跨国管理模式对中国企业的启示
- Structure Analysis and Strategy Choice of Chinese Enterprises'Transnational Management 我国企业跨国经营结构分析与战略选择
- Comprehensive Commercial Group: Strategic Choice of Transnational Management among the Chinese Enterprises 综合商社:我国企业跨国经营的战略选择
- An Investigation of Enterprises'Competition of Transnational Management in the Era of Knowledge-based Economy 知识经济时代我国企业跨国经营竞争力提升研究
- Trend Micro, an Irresistible Force - Transnational Management of a Global Top Chinese Enterprise 挡不住的趋势-世界顶尖华人企业的跨国界管理经营之道
- On the Ethical Problem And Strategies of Transnational Management in Economical Globalization Times 略论经济全球化背景下跨国经营的伦理问题及其对策
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- The Empirical Research of Political Risk of Shanghai's Enterprises in Transnational Management 上海企业跨国经营政治风险实证研究
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- Cultural Conflict and Strategies of Cross- Cultural Management in Transnational Management 跨国经营中的文化冲突和跨文化管理策略
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- There is an inert management team in our company. 我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。
- Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
- She's going along with management on this issue. 她在这个问题上同意资方的意见。
- Marketing: Marketing theory, sales management. 市场学:市场学理论、营销管理。