- The pilot manages to glide down to a safe landing. 驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全著陆。
- Let's face it; you're getting too old to go hang gliding. 让我们正视事实,你上了年纪不能参加悬挂式滑翔运动。
- The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing. 驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全著陆。
- translational gliding 直移滑动
- Slowly but surely the great ship glide into the water. 那艘巨轮缓慢而平稳地下水了。
- So graceful was the ballerina that she just seemed to glide. 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞,宛如滑翔。
- The pilot managed to glide the plane to a safe landing. 飞行员设法(让飞机)平稳地安全着陆。
- To articulate a glide in speech. 发滑音言语中发音器官从一个音滑到下一个音发音
- A submarine gliding through the water. 潜艇在水中自由行驶
- An eagle was gliding high overhead. 一只鹰在头顶上翱翔。
- The next best thing to flying is gliding. 仅次于飞行的事就是滑翔。
- The skaters were gliding over the ice. 滑冰者在冰上滑行。
- So graceful is the ballerina that she just seems to glide. 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞,宛如滑翔。
- Pay attention to the gliding line. 下滑注意下滑线。
- Fish were gliding about in the lake. 鱼在湖里轻快地游动。
- Skis are used for gliding over the snow. 滑橇用在雪上滑行。
- Hang gliding holds no fears for her. 她一点也不害怕悬挂式滑翔.
- Swallows gliding effortlessly through the air. 轻盈地滑翔于天空的燕子。
- Look, is my gliding posture beautiful enongh? 瞧,我这滑翔姿势够漂亮吧?
- Gliding with the spirit of heaven father! 拥抱天父所赐的世界!