- Two unique copies of ancient books were burned in the museum fire. 博物馆的两本古书孤本在火灾中烧毁了。
- translation of ancient books 古籍英译
- Reprinted editions of ancient books are very helpful for research. 古籍书的重刊对后人做研究很有帮助。
- A national planning section and office have been established by the state to organize the editing and publishing of ancient books of ethnic minorities. 国家成立了全国少数民族古籍整理出版规划小组和办公室,组织和领导全国少数民族古籍整理工作。
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。
- There are some inconvenient problems in retrieving because of readers' incomprehension to categories of ancient books. 由于当代读者对古籍分类不十分了解,致使在具体使用过程中存在着检索不便的问题。
- Nan Huaijin's translation of ancient Chinese prose is lack of the most important factor, that is, considering the ancients' hearts. 南怀瑾先生的古文今译,缺少一种最重要的因素,即以古人之心为心。
- Many book collectors highly value the collection of ancient books, even with some parts missing. 很多藏书家都很重视残本古籍的收藏。
- This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。
- The article has something to say about translation of particular sentences, particular words, and so on.Talking about connection and disjunction of ancient and present language from teaching angle. 从教学角度谈谈今古语言的衔接与脱节是必要的,这将主要集中在文言文知识点的倒装句的翻译方式、词类活用、虚词的翻译方式等方面。
- In the Chinese phylogeny of ancient book, the Confucian classics became one especially eye-striking kind. 在中国古籍图书的发展史上,儒家经书成为格外醒目的一类。
- Over the past decade, different patterns of theoretical research on translation of ancient Chinese poetry have rivaled in development and are now in the climax of their theoretical constructions. 摘要近10年来,各种路径的汉语古诗词英译理论研究竞相发展,出现了理论构建的高潮。
- We should proceed in the compilation of ancient books and files carefully and scientifically so as not to mislead later generations. 对古籍史料的勾稽工作要严谨、科学地进行,以免误导后人。
- I've made an English translation of the book. 我已将那本书译成了英文。
- The collation of epitaphs need many knowledge of many subjects, which will be helpful to the collation and studies of ancient books. 再次,对五代墓志词汇进行系统的研究。
- I think her translation of the article is much better than his. 我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的多。
- The general investigation of ancient books, which is a job with very strong practicalness, involves some basic works of ancient books. 古籍普查是一项实践性很强的工作,涉及多项古籍基础业务工作。
- This is the authorized translation of the book. 这是经本书作者同意的译本。
- Although the language of letterpress in variety of ancient books seldom, but on the language of the ancient books of making positive effect of the way. 虽然铅印的彝文古籍在品栽上好众,但差彝文古籍的制作办法爆发了主动感化。
- His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness. 他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板。