- This paper mainly introduces a Transformer Terminal Unit based on MSP430F449 MCU. 介绍了一种基于MSP430F449单片机的配电变压器监测终端。
- The hardware design of distribution transformer terminal unit (TTU) is described in details, as well as the protocol between TTU and the master station. 详细介绍了配变监控终端(TTU)的硬件结构和通信协议,以及配变监控主站软件和数据库的设计。
- This paper introduces a DSP based transformer terminal unit (TTU), and emphasizes on the hardware and software s design of TTU and the implementation of harmonics analysis. 本文介绍基于DSP的配电变压器远方终端单元(TTU)的研制方案,着重介绍了其系统硬件和软件设计及谐波分析的实现。
- As one of the most important components to the Distribution Automation, Transformer Terminal Unit(TTU) is developing quickly recent years and getting more and more applied to power distribution systems. 作为配电系统的重要监控设备,配电变压器终端单元(Transformer Terminal Unit简称TTU)已经面世。
- This paper introduces a distributed Transformer Terminal Unit(TTU) base on MSP430F449 singlechip produced by TI corporation, which has function of reactive power compensation control and apply to low voltage power system(0.4kV). 该文介绍的是一种基于TI 公司MSP430F449单片机;适用于低压(0.;4kV)配电网的具有无功功率补偿控制功能的配变终端单元(TTU)。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- The path is not complete until its two terminals are joined. 直到两个端点接在一起,电路才是完整的。
- These terminals are connected to our mainframe computer. 这些终端设备都和我们的计算机主机相连。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- distribution transformer terminal unit 配变监控终端
- Jealousy is a strange transformer of characters. 忌妒是改变性格的奇怪因素。
- When the terminate attribute is set to "yes", the content of the element is displayed as the part of the system-level error message, and the transformation terminates. 如果terminate属性设置为“yes”,元素的内容将显示为系统级错误消息的一部分,并且转换将终止。
- Pertaining to a communications network having several data terminals. 用于修饰或说明其中具有多个数据终端的一种通信网络。
- Corroded battery posts, cables or terminals. 电瓶柱、线组或者端子腐蚀。
- Connection Skill for Three-phase Transformer Terminal Group 三相变压器接线组别的连接技巧
- The Shipping Ports and Terminals Event for Asia. 亚洲海运展。
- Data Sampling and Processing in Transformer Terminal Unit 配电变压器终端单元的数据采集与处理
- Setting up audio and video terminals. 正在设置音频和视频终端。
- Port and Terminals of Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone. 张家港保税区港口码头。
- Communication Technology in Transformer Terminal Unit 配电变压器监测终端的通信技术