- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- The magician transformed the frog into a princess. 魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。
- His plans were transformed overnight into reality. 他的计划迅速变为现实。
- His imagination transformed shadows into monsters. 他把影子想像成了怪物。
- A tadpole is transformed into a frog. 蝌蚪变成青蛙。
- The situation has been greatly transformed. 形势已经大大好转。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- transformed clone 转化无性(繁殖)系, 转化克隆
- The prince was transformed by magic into an ugly animal. 王子被魔法变成了一个丑陋的动物。
- Wait for foster mother to give birth to the clone. 等待“养母”产下克隆幼仔。
- Will 2003 be the year of the first human clone? 人类第一个克隆人会在2003年诞生吗?
- The first clone farm has appeared in New Zealand. 第一家克隆农场在新西兰出现。
- He's got no originality- he's just a Mozart clone. 他不具独创性,他只是莫札特的翻版。
- The headless clone solves the facsimile problem. 没有脑袋的克隆技术解决了貌似神不合的问题。
- There are two ways to clone people. 克隆人有两种方法。
- And is a clone then a possession, a product? 而克隆体是否就成为了一种财产,一种产品呢?
- I would like to have a clone of myself. 我愿意要一个我的克隆人。
- But each clone would be a different person. 但是,每一个克隆人都是不一样的。
- With Adam and my Scalpel, I have been transformed. 当然是用亚当和我的解剖刀,我已经变形了!
- But there is a problem with a clone. 但是克隆人有一个问题。