- Experimentally validates the layer heat transfer theory. 通过实测验证了该层换热理论。
- Familiar with casting, stamping parts, radiator design experience or heat transfer theory preferred. 熟悉高精度浇铸机构件,有散热器设计经验或热传递理论者佳。
- Model for rod and pipe extrudate of amorphous plastics cooled in water bath is built based on heat transfer theory. 依据传热学原理,建立了无定形塑料棒状和管状挤出制品的水浴冷却模型。
- Objective To study the thermography applications in Diabetes Mellitus research based on bio-heat transfer theory. 目的基于生物传热理论,研究红外热像图在糖尿病研究中的应用。
- Based on combustion and heat transfer theory the mechanism of reduction in melt down time using oxy-fuel burners is described in this paper. 从燃烧学、热传输学的角度,论述了氧燃烧嘴助熔原理。
- The radiative transfer theory of Stokes vectors is developed to study multiple-scattering, propagation, and thermal emission in random media. 本文讨论了极化电磁波在随机介质中多次散射,传输和热辐射的斯托克斯矢量的辐射传输理论。
- The oxygen transfer theory can't be used to predict the reaeration coefficient of the rivers due to some undetermined parameters. 氧传质理论因存在不确定的参数(象液膜厚度,旋涡在界面的停留时间,表面更新率等)而不能用来预测河流复氧系数。
- Applying the mass and momentum transfer theory,the carburization mechanism of ultra-low-carbon steel melt caused by the carbon containing flux has been investigated. 应用质量和动量传输理论,对连铸结晶器内含碳熔渣所引起的超低碳钢钢水增碳的机理进行了研究。
- The paper analyses the mass transfer in turbulent electrolyte in Electrochemical Machining Gap by using hydromechanics,mass transfer theory and electrochemistry. 这里应用流体力学、传质学和电化学理论,分析了电解加工间隙中处于紊流状态的电解质溶液内的传质过程。
- On the base of heat transfer theory and glass tempering furnace industrial application, the two practical mathematic models of plane and roll are established, and the image simulation of calcution result is done. 摘要在综合传热理论和玻璃钢化炉实际操作经验的基础上,建立了具有实用意义的玻璃板和传动辊传热数学模型;并对计算结果分别进行图像模拟。
- This paper uses the flow boundary layer theory and mass transfer theory to analyze the CO gas flow state and CO mass transfer course in catalytic converter honeycomb holes,and illustrate the intrinsic mechanism of CO airspeed performance. 应用流体附面层理论和质量传输的基本原理分析了三元催化转化器蜂窝孔内的CO气体流动和质量传输的过程 ;解释了三元催化转化器CO空速特性的内在机理 .
- By means of energy transfer theory and FTA method,the risk source identification and qualitative analysis on lighterage operation of oil tanker at anchorage are conducted and the corresponding countermeasures are also put forward in the paper. 运用能量转移理论和事故树分析方法对广州港务局锚地油轮过驳作业进行了危险源的辨识与定性分析 ,并就如何控制危险源提出了对策
- Meanwhile, the resin layer in the fresh water compartment was analyzed and with "Cavity" transfer theory, an explanation was made about the ion migration in the EDI demineralization process. 同时对淡水室中的树脂层态进行了分析,并且采用“空穴”传导理论对EDI脱盐过程中的离子迁移行为做出解释。
- Based on the boiling heat transfer theory and the reality processing steel quenching, the heat transfer boundary condition for steel quenching is derived from the energy balance theorem. 基于过热沸腾换热理论,根据钢淬火时表面换热的实际情况,利用能量平衡定理建立钢淬火时的换热边界条件;
- The reforms of taxes and fees in our rural areas are successful use of institution transference theory. 摘要我国农村税费改革,是对制度变迁理论的成功运用。
- The heat and mass transfer theory in the porous media and wood fields was studied, and introduced in detail to find a promising method in the process of particles drying with convection. 详细介绍并归纳多孔介质与木材领域内的传热传质理论研究概况,从中寻找出适合研究刨花对流干燥过程传热传质的方法。
- The effect on circumgyration of carbon grain and the ablation of nose-tip during re-entry of stratagem missile is analyzed according to thermal transfer theory, thermo-aerodynamics and N-S equation. 根据气动热力学、传热传质学、N-S方程,分析了战略导弹再入时端头帽烧蚀与碳颗粒的旋转效应,研究结果表明碳颗粒的旋转有利于防热。
- According to the polycondensation reaction balance and molecular diffusion of water balance and balance of mass transfer theory, the experimental phenomena was explained reasonably. 根据缩聚反应平衡和水分子扩散传质平衡的原理对实验现象进行了合理的解释。
- Based on the heat transferring theory in the human - clothing - environment system, the heat insulation property of down jackets worn in East China area is mainly dealt with. 根据人-服装-环境系统中的热传递理论,就华东地区的气候特征对羽绒服装的最佳充绒量问题进行了研究。
- Engineering Thermodynamics And Heat Transfer Theory 工程热力学与传热学