- After the election there was a swift transfer of power. 大选之后权力迅速交接。
- This peaceful transfer of power is one of the hallmarks of a true democracy . 这次平稳移交是正真明主的标志。
- Eg This reduced the scope for electoral fraud and led to a smooth transfer of power. 这就减少了选举作弊的机会,使得权力交接顺利进行。
- Money managers enthuse about a fundamental shift under way, a transfer of power from developed to emerging economies. 一个正在进行中的根本性转变令基金经理们兴奋不已:权力从发达经济体向新兴经济体的转移。
- He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government. 他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过违宪手段让一个民选政府交出权力。
- The transfer of power in 1947 was accompanied by slaughter and pillage of huge proportions. 1947年的权力转移是伴随着屠杀大面积掠夺而来。
- After all, this is not just a transfer of power or to share problems, it is a shared responsibility. 归根结蒂,这不只是一个权力转移或共享的问题,更是一个责任分担的问题。
- A transfer of powers from a central government to local units. 权力下放中央对地方权力下放
- They were designed to create disorder and to impede the smooth transfer of power. 他们的目的是制造混乱,妨碍权力的顺利移交。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- It was a day of political tradition, ceremony and drama, the official transfer of power from one prime minister to another. 这是个传统的政治仪式,正式的首相权利交接在这天举行。
- Method of cooperation: Investors may participate in the construction, or transfer of power of management after completion of construction. 客方参与投资建设或建成后经营权转让。
- Sceptres are carried by kings as a sign of power. 国王所持的权杖是权力的象征。
- Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed. 因为滥用权力,他被开除了。
- Above all, she nails the propaganda lie that the transfer of power in India was an example of peaceful decolonisation that the rest of the world could follow. 最重要的是,科汗女士在书中紧紧地抓住了宣传中的一个谎言,即印度的权力转移是非殖民化和平进程的一个例子,全世界国家都可以遵循这种方式。
- The transfer of property usually land to someone else. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。
- A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts. 千瓦功率的单位,等于1,000瓦。
- The interregnum of 1932-1933, the long stretch between the election and the actual transfer of power, was disastrous for the U. 1932年至1933年的漫长的选举和政权更迭产生的政治空白给美国经济留下了灾难性的后果。
- They are understandably nervous about transfers of power, even symbolic ones. 因此对权力转移,哪怕只是形式上的转移,感到紧张是可以理解的。
- It's his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。