- Find a weak spot and exploit it. 找出薄弱环节和垦荒。
- Cultivation and Exploitation of Pueraria sp. 葛的栽培与开发利用。
- The positive training and exploiting of human resources can greatly mitigate the contradiction between the supply of talented people exceeding demand and the lacking of talented people. 一方面是供过于求的人才市场,一方面是人才匮乏的用人企业,积极的人力资源培训开发可以极大地缓解这一矛盾,并为企业的可持续发展带来生机。本文对这一问题作了论述,同时,还探讨了在人力资源的培训开发中应该注意的几个问题。
- And Western meddling and exploitation. 西方强权的干预及剥削利用而展开。
- I missed the train and consequently was late for work. 我没有赶上火车,结果上班迟到了。
- It has been widely applied to human resource planning, personnel selection, salary management, performance management, training and exploiting by both public institutions and business enterprises. 其结果广泛运用于企事业单位人力资源规划、招聘挑选、薪酬管理、绩效管理、培训开发等各项工作。
- Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。
- Due to the devil by Japan coach sombo large text and exploits Chinese coach Yuan Weimin, training and implementing the "three from the large," the essence of emphasis on high-intensity training hard. 由于深受日本魔鬼教练大松博文和中国功勋教头袁伟民的影响,训练中贯彻“三从一大”的精髓,强调高强度的艰苦训练。
- Train and human life are incommensurable. 火车和人的生命是无从比较的。
- The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs. 贵族压迫剥削农奴。
- Sometimes he comes by train and sometimes by car. 他有时乘火车来,有时坐汽车来。
- Take the No. 6 train and get off at Astor Place. 坐6路上,然后在亚士都站下车。
- The Nutrition Value and Exploitation Actuality of Arctium Lappa L. 牛蒡的营养价值及其开发现状。
- Habit, training and discretion were ingrained. 习惯、训练和谨慎是根深蒂固的。
- The functional character and exploitation of Portulaca oleracea L. 马齿苋的功能及其开发利用。
- I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them. 不要试图驾驭趋势,而只需发现和利用趋势。
- Relevant training and assessment commenced in 2001. 有关的培训及评核已于二零零一年展开。
- Nutrition Ingredient and Exploitation of Solanum nigrum L. 龙葵的营养成分及其开发利用。
- Invest heavily in training and mentoring. 加大培训和辅导方面的投资。
- He led the workers in fighting against oppression and exploitation. 他领导工人进行了反对压迫和剥削的斗争。