- The children were playing with their train set. 孩子们正在玩火车玩具。
- Complement to LILLABO basic train set. 配用于利乐宝系列玩具火车。
- Eddie is ecstatic over his new train set. 艾迪对他的新玩具火车著了迷。
- Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire. 一列过往火车迸发出的一些火花点着了干草堆。
- Back then every little kid wanted a Lionel train set. 那个年代,每个小孩都希望得到一个莱昂内尔火车和铁路模型。
- "They don't know whether to play with their train set or look at nudie mags. 他们不知道是该去玩火车站呢还是去看色情电影与报刊。
- Please tell me when the train set off? Which planform should I take? 请告诉我火车什么时候走?该在哪个站台上车?
- He tinkers with miniature train sets for a hobby. 他把修理小火车当成嗜好。
- Professor Luria is an authentic pioneer of molecular biology. Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses. 鲁里亚教授是分子生物学领域里的真正先驱。甚至在第一列满载开拓者的列车驶出之前,他就已经大胆地在细菌病毒的荒山峻岭中拓荒了。
- A pair of twin brothers in Hamburg, Germany, has spent nine years painstaking putting together the biggest mini train set. 德国汉堡的一对双胞胎兄弟用了九年时间辛苦搭建了世界最大的火车组。
- Train A traction unit with or without coupled railway vehicles or a train set of vehicles with ETCS train data available. 列车挂有或未挂有铁路车辆的牵引单元,或具有ETCS有效列车数据车辆的列车。
- Aluminum plate incising technology will directly influence the output, quality and production cost of high speed aluminum train set, ... 通过板材的切各质量对车体制造的影响的分析,确认板材切割质量的重要性。
- The training set is not needed in clustering but the accuracy is lower. 聚类不需要训练集,但准确率较低。
- Whereupon speech signals are adapted as if come from the training set. 在语音识别领域,与说话人无关(SI)的识别方法需要大量的训练数据。
- However, the Rocket training set as if suspects Francis's condition. 不过,火箭队的教练组似乎还是怀疑弗朗西斯的状况。
- Though he looks like an avuncular conductor of a giant toy train set, he labors daily trying to give away one of the world's biggest fortunes, that made by his son at Microsoft. 虽然看起来更像是个巨型玩具火车的售票大伯,可事实上他每天的工作却是把儿子在微软上班的挣来的巨额财产捐掉。
- Though he looks like an avuncular conductor of a giant toy train set, he labors daily trying to give away one of the world’s biggest fortunes, that made by his son at Microsoft. 虽然看起来更像是个巨型玩具火车的售票大伯,可事实上他每天的工作却是把儿子在微软上班的挣来的巨额财产捐掉。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Its just a short form letter and appears to have been signed with the autopen of the day, but I hugged that letter with all the glee of a six-year-old boy getting his first train set from Santa Claus. 这只是一封短的通函,看上去是用那时的自来水笔签的名,但我兴奋地把信抱在胸前,就像一个六岁小孩刚从圣诞老人那里得到了一套火车玩具模型。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。