- It is an instancy task to develop General Medicine and train professionals of General Medicine for the military field. 开展全科医学教育,培养全科医学专业人才是军队基层卫生服务工作的一项迫切任务。
- We should increase the demand for information, better information management system, widen channels for getting information and train professionals to manage information. 为此,应增强信息需求信息,健全企业管理信息系统,拓宽信息渠道,加强信息管理人才的培养
- To realize such a goal,preferential treatment as well as other measures will be offered to encourage people to,and train professionals in,the western region and to help absorb professionals from China's relatively?developed eastern and coastal areas. 为实现这一目标,政府将采取优惠待遇和其它措施鼓励外地人才投身西部建设,同时培训西部当地的专业技术人才,并帮助西部吸引来自相对发达的东部和沿海地区的专业技术人员。
- To realize such a goal, preferential treatment as well as other measures will be offered to encourage people to, and train professionals in, the western region and to help absorb professionals from China's relatively developed eastern and coastal areas. 为实现这一目标,政府将采取优惠待遇和其它措施鼓励外地人才投身西部建设,同时培训西部当地的专业技术人才,并帮助西部吸引来自相对发达的东部和沿海地区的专业技术人员。
- In addition,we need a great many school administrators,who should also be trained professionals. 我们也需要大量的、合格的学校管理人员,这也是专业人员。
- How might a trained professional decide? 做为一个受过训练的专业人士要如何决定?
- In addition, we need a great many school administrators, who should also be trained professionals. 我们也需要大量的、合格的学校管理人员,这也是专业人员。
- Train Professionals for the Profession of International Finance to Meet the Needs of WTO 对培养适应加入WTO需要的国际金融人才的探讨
- We must lose no time in training professionals of all kinds,providing them with incentives and giving full play to their capabilities. 要抓紧做好培养、吸引和用好各方面人才的工作。
- We must lose no time in training professionals of all kinds, providing them with incentives and giving full play to their capabilities. 要抓紧做好培养、吸引和用好各方面人才的工作。
- Well trained professionals play a critical role in the provision of rehabilitative services to the hearing-impaired children. 人才队伍是决定一个事业能否发展的关键因素。
- These people are relatively well trained professionally. 这些人是比较有专业知识的。
- Our team of highly trained professionals provides non-stop sales momentum, customer service and hotline support on behalf of your company. 我们专业的电话行销人员,日以继夜为客户提供电话行销、后勤、热线支援及跟进等服务。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Develop a team of training professionals in the company and provide advice and guidance to inner trainers; manage HR daily work. 内部培训师团队的建设,为内部培训师提供咨询和指导,管理日常工作;
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Fittingly the first school to train professional Santas was established in Albion N.Y. in 1937. 1937年,一座训练专业圣诞老人的学院甚合适宜地在纽约阿尔比恩成立。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- These master classes aim at fortifying training skills and offering the opportunities for training professionals to elevate to become internal consultants/change agents . 本系列课程旨在强化培训技巧;为专业培训人士提供成为企业内部顾问和变革推动者的机会.
- All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals. 列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。