- The worst tragic element in life is to belive in bad luck. 一)生活中最悲惨的事情就是相信厄运。
- An incident or a situation having both comic and tragic elements. 同时具有可笑及悲剧成分的事件或局面
- He admits to a belief in the tragic element of history:" There is the tragedy of a man who works very hard and never gets what he wants. 他相信历史中的悲剧成分?quot;有的人的悲剧是,终日孜孜不倦,却永远得不到他所向往的东西;
- She looked away from the tragic scene. 她掉过头去,不忍看那一幕惨象。
- The famous politician died in a tragic accident. 那位著名的政治家死于一场悲惨的意外事故。
- Events reached a tragic climax the following day. 翌日,事态发展到高潮,酿成了悲剧。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数
- She related the event in a tragic voice. 她用悲痛的声调讲述这一事件。
- He distinguished himself as a tragic actor. 他是一个有名的悲剧演员。
- He's in his element when playing badminton. 他打起羽毛球来真是得心应手。
- She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced. 她听到这一悲惨消息,脸都白了。
- This heater needs a new element. 这个加热器需要一组新电阻丝。
- I'm out of my element in political discussions. 我不喜欢参加政治讨论。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- She can not bring herself to tell him the tragic news. 她没有勇气把那悲惨消息告诉他。
- Sulphur was not identified as an element until1810. 1810年以前还没有认出硫是一种元素。
- an incident or a situation having both comic and tragic elements 同时具有可笑及悲剧成分的事件或局面
- The scientists are in search of a new element. 科学家们正在寻找一种新元素。
- The most tragical sight of all was the very young addicts. 那些非常年青的吸毒者是人们所见到的最可悲的一幕。