- She got revved up by the tragic ending of the film. 她为这部电影的悲惨结局激动不已。
- I don't like the tragic ending of the film. 我不喜欢电影悲剧的结尾。
- The audience was moved to tears by the tragic ending. 观众被这悲剧性的结局感动得掉眼泪。
- All of these elements cause the tragic end of Gertrude. 所有这些因素共同导致了格特鲁德的悲剧的形成。
- If they were allowed their own way, every comedy would have a tragic ending, and every tragedy would culminate in a farce. 要是由着他们干的话,每一部喜剧都会有个悲剧性的结局,而每一部悲剧也都以闹剧告终。
- As the incomplete love going along with polt, a tragic ending arised among dramatis personae. 只是书中的爱情并不完美,男女主人公的爱情最终是一个悲剧。
- This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle of fate tragedy and character tragedy. 本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。
- Ana betrayed the out-group status at the cost of her life, adding nobility and solemnity to her tragic end. 而安娜以其生命的毁灭为代价作为对女性他者地位的反叛,使得其悲剧性结局融入了崇高和悲壮。
- In spite of its hard-boiled realism of detail and its tragic ending, A Farewell to Arms is nevertheless an idealistic book. 《别了,武器》一书虽然在细节描写方面刻意求实,而且有一个悲剧性的结局,但它仍然是一部理想主义的著作。
- I thought the characters were headed toward a tragic ending, but there was a twist near the end, and everything turned out well. 我本以为所有角色都会走向一个悲惨的结局,但是后来出现了一个转折点,所有东西都变好了。
- Only the tragic end of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico prevented a still closer collaboration with France. 只有墨西哥的马西米兰皇帝的惨败阻碍了与法国的进一步合作。
- Two crosses were erected close to where the men met their tragic ends. 在这两个人遭遇不幸的地方,竖起了两个十字架。
- Some special families are depicted for symbolizing and epitomizing her “one family” vision, but all come to a tragic end. 本文通过解析其中两则故事里象征“一家人”理想的两个特殊家庭中的人际关系,勾勒出水仙花所向往的那个能令所有人彼此间都“听得更清楚、看得更分明”的“一家人”理想社会的轮廓。
- Re-era mandate forcing people not settled on the battlefield in order to rush Hamlet. Comenius Bora due to manslaughter and was used Claudius, and finally come to a tragic end. 重整时代的任务逼迫着未曾安顿好人心秩序的哈姆雷特匆匆上了战场,而终因误杀波乐纽斯,被克劳狄斯所利用,最后落得了悲惨的结局。
- His second term came to a tragic end in September 1901 when he as shot by an anarchist while standing in a receiving line at the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition. 他的第二届任期在1901.;9以悲剧收场,那天在水牛城举办的泛美洲博览会上,一名无政府主义者枪杀了他。
- You left the place of sorrow and choose to come here for loving each other and being always together, didn't you? Then, just stay to change your tragic end. 你离开伤心之地,到我们这里相依相伴形影不离,对吗?那留下来,把那悲剧的结局改变。
- However, even the God envies their beauty.It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings. 然而,即使是上帝也会嫉妒她们的容貌,使得红颜多薄命。
- They fight, strive and pursue their ideals but they are derided by life and meet their tragic endings. 他们抗争,奋斗,追求自己的理想,但是都为生活嘲笑,遭受悲剧性的结局。
- Her servants often meet horribly tragic ends?Avoid her like the Plague. She is as sly and cruel as an asp. 她的仆人常常有着可怕悲惨的结局。她象瘟疫一样被躲避着。她象毒蛇一样狡猾和冷酷。
- Her tragical ending reveals that she is the victim of patriarchal society. 她的悲剧结局表明她是父权制度的受害者。