- traffic illegal act 交通违法行为
- Illegal act that is harmful to people in general. 妨害公众利益的违法行为。
- Such an illegal act should not be treated lightly. 这样的违法行为不可等闲视之。
- A contract cannot arise out of an illegal act. 当事人不合法的行为无法成立一个有效的合同。
- It was an illegal act and will lead to your arrest. 这是非法行为, 足以将你送入监狱。
- If the insured motor vehicle has any illegal act of road traffic accidents or road traffic accident, the insurance company shall raise its premium rate in the next year. 被保险机动车发生道路交通安全违法行为或者道路交通事故的,保险公司应当在下一年度提高其保险费率。
- Knowledge of and tacit consent to the commission of an illegal act by another. 纵容对他人非法行为的默许和宽恕
- To lure into performing a previously or otherwise uncontemplated illegal act. 诱骗做哄骗某人不经过周密考虑而做出非法行为
- By sunset, fifty or sixty illegal acts had been revealed. 你一宗他一宗,从晌午说到太阳落,一共说了五六十款。
- Nowadays, many people commit illegal acts in the name of science. 当前,有许多人打着科学的旗号干一些犯法的事情。
- To transfer the case to a judicial organ where an illegal act constitutes a crime. 违法行为已构成犯罪的,移送司法机关。
- Whoever discretionally digs a road to carry out construction without approval shall be penalized as an illegal act. 未经批准擅自挖掘道路是违法行为,是要进行处罚的。
- Where the donor is deceased or incapacitated due to the donee's illegal act, his heir or legal agent may revoke the gift. 第一百九十三条因受赠人的违法行为致使赠与人死亡或者丧失民事行为能力的,赠与人的继承人或者法定代理人可以撤销赠与。
- For the same illegal act committed by a party, the party shall not be given an administrative penalty of fine for more than once. 第二十四条对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚。
- Invoice-related illegal act is an act violating the invoice management system and shall be subject to lawful punishment. 发票违法行为是违反发票管理制度应受法律制裁的行为。
- The legislation decreed the death penalty for anyone engaging in illegal acts. 法律裁定进行非法活动的任何人以死刑。
- For an illegal act in business activities, and if there are no illegal proceeds, a fine ranging from 300 Yuan to 10,000 Yuan shall be imposed. 属于经营活动中的违法行为,无违法所得的,处以300元以上2万元以下罚款。
- For an illegal act in business activities, and if there are no illegal proceeds, a fine.ranging from 300 Yuan to 10,000 Yuan shall be imposed. 属于经营活动中的违法行为,无违法所得的,处以300元以上2万元以下罚款。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事