- But,as influenced by his deep-rooted traditional ideology of masculinism,the images of fiery women also reflect Lao-She s dilemma of value tropism. 但是老舍所受传统思想的影响又是根深蒂固的,这些悍妇的形象分明体现出作者潜在的男权意识,表现出其潜在的价值两难取向。
- Western traditional ideology, the representative of which is christianism, believes that man's death is the death of body, but the soul is immortal. 以基督教为代表的西方传统思想认为人的死亡是肉体的死亡,但是却灵魂是永恒不灭的。
- The Ch"in and Han dynasty, as the formative period of Chinese traditional ideology and culture, is a key stage of the ancient ecological culture. 秦汉时期作为我国传统思想文化的总结定型期正是古代生态文化形成的关键阶段。
- Looking into the development course of jiujitsu to judo, it can be fully demonstrated that judo was influenced by the Chinese traditional ideology and culture. 考察从柔术到柔道的发展过程,可以充分证明柔道受到了中国传统思想和文化的影响。
- In the developed capitalist society, the traditional ideology of working-class has become vague, and problems such as racialism and gender discrimination have arisen. 在发达资本主义社会,传统的工人阶级意识形态陷于模糊,诸如种族问题和性别问题等等浮出水面。
- The barrier to his pursuit, which made him perplexed and oscillate, lay in the negative influence in academic pragmatism, the left leaning class struggle theories and traditional ideology. 而这种追求之所以受到阻碍 ,使顾颉刚深为彷徨、苦闷 ,就在于受到“经世致用”思想和“左”倾的阶级斗争理论以及传统意识形态等对学术研究的消极影响。
- Chu Hsi is a greatest ideologist after Confucius in Chinese traditional ideology history . 在中国传统思想史上,朱子是继孔子之后最伟大的思想家之一。
- traditional ideology and culture 传统思想文化
- Rapid devilment of network has brought great impulse and influence to traditional ideological and moral education. 网络的飞速发展,给传统的思想道德教育工作带来巨大冲击和影响。
- Wang Yangming was a mature statesman in the mind-philosophy thoughts trend of Song Ming neo-Confucianism, one of the greatest influential ideologist in Chinese traditional ideology history too. 王阳明是宋明新儒学心学思潮的集大成者,也是中国传统思想史上最富影响力的思想家之一。
- Fang Tang human pictorial art that fire not Shaoguo, ZHANG Xiao-Yu body art photography has been horrified, once again declared war on the traditional ideological and public opinion. 汤芳人体艺术写真那把火还没烧过,张筱雨人体艺术摄影已经惊世骇俗了,再次对传统思想舆论宣战。
- Sons and daughters of south Asian and Black Caribbean origin with traditional ideologies viewed caring less as a necessity and more as an opportunity to reciprocate parental support. 南亚人和加勒比地区黑人的子女有着传统的观念,他们将对痴呆父母的照料更多的视为一种报答父母对自己关爱的机会,而不是一种不得不做的事情。
- This traditional costume is of indigo blue. 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
- On the Modern Ethical Value of the Traditional Ideology of Frugality 略论传统节俭思想的现代伦理价值
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的
- His novels follow traditional lines. 他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。
- The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs. 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。
- He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on the wilder shore of farce. 他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场疯狂的闹剧给毁了。
- He arranged many traditional folk songs (for the piano). 他(为钢琴演奏)改编了很多传统民歌。