- She mimicked a traditional Chinese painting on paper. 她在纸上描了一幅国画。
- Qi baishi was a great master of traditional Chinese painting. 齐白石是国画大师。
- He is well-known for his traditional Chinese painting. 他的国画很有名。
- This traditional Chinese painting is just a copy, not original. 这幅国画只是一副摹本,不是真迹。
- Mike: Of course! I like traditional Chinese painting very much. 当然想去。我非常喜欢中国画。
- Qibaishi was a great master of traditional Chinese painting. 齐白石是国画大师。
- Qi Bashi was a respectable master in traditional Chinese painting. 齐白石是一位有名望的国画大师。
- Can you distinguish watercolour from traditional Chinese painting? 你能区分水彩画和中国画吗?
- Every foreign visitor takes a great fancy to this traditional Chinese painting. 每一个外宾都十分喜欢这张中国画。
- After he came back to China, he blended them with traditional Chinese painting. 并使之与中国画有机地融合起来。
- Oil painting is created by colors and brush touch while traditional chinese painting is by line and strokes. 西方油画重色彩与润饰,而中国画则重线条与笔触。
- This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese painting with its clear water and clusters of pinnacles. 这一段河流风光绮丽,碧水萦回,石峰林立,构成一幅锦绣画卷。
- Though Xu adopted many Western painting techniques, he was also a master of traditional Chinese painting. 徐悲鸿借鉴西方绘画成功的原因,还在于他对中国古代传统艺术具有深厚的基
- A little bit. Traditional Chinese paintings emphasize conformity. 知道一点。中国传统很注重想象,
- There is a traditional Chinese painting exhibition on at the art gallery. Would you like to go? 美术馆正在举办中国画展,你想去参观吗?
- Some one thinks the West Lake is just like a beautiful traditional Chinese painting. 也有人说,西湖是一首诗、一个美丽动人的故事。
- These painters inherited traditional Chinese painting skills to give vivid presentation of the figures they depicted. 他们重视继承前人的笔墨传统,关注作品中的气韵神采。
- This Human, Dragon and Phoenix Painting is the earliest traditional Chinese painting found so far. 后来定名为《人物龙凤图》帛画。这就是迄今所知的中国最早的绘画作品。
- His graphic Theory later became a basic theory for traditional Chinese painting. 他提出的"传神论"成为中国绘画的基本理论之一。
- He broke through the traditional Chinese painting notion of the bamboo symbolizing modesty and the orchid indicating delicacy. 他打破了传统文人画中画竹画兰的陈套。