- The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last. 传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。
- Kinsey showed that this traditional view was quite mistaken. 金西证实了这种传统的观点是完全错误的。
- There exit some problems in traditional view of art troth. 本文认为,生活可以分为生活现象与生活真实两个层面;
- This thesis analyzes context from both the traditional view and pragmatic view. 本文探讨了传统语境观和语用语境观。
- By doing so King successfully began to change the traditional view of race. 通过这种作法,金成功地开始改变传统的种族观念。
- One favoring traditional views and values. 保守者支持传统观点及价值的人
- Most users, however, will probably want a more traditional view, with world news at the top and sports at the back. 但多数用户可能会希望以更传统的视角,将世界新闻放在首页,而体育新闻放在后面。
- The traditional view which the meaning of Jilin is "along" or "near" is not correct. 传统观点认为“吉林”一词意为“沿”或“靠近”,这种看法是不正确的。
- Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. 保守的支持传统的观点和社会准则的;倾向于反对变革的
- Such suggestions are in sharp contrast to the traditional view of radiation in the tropics. 这些看法与热带辐射的传统观点形成强烈的不同(鲜明的对比)。
- That was the traditional view of the Jewish community, which throughout history closely guarded its small numbers from loss through assimilation. 犹太人过去曾持有这种传统观念,他们一直极力保护其为数不多的成员免于因民族融合而失去自我。
- Murakami's description on sex is the embodiment of Japan's traditional view of sex and lascivious aesthetic ideas. 村上笔下的性描写是日本传统性爱观和好色审美理念的体现;
- Meningitis (Sheri Ortner) found, according to the traditional view that "women as for men of culture and natural. 奥特拉(SheriOrtner)发现,按照传统的看法,“女性对于男性犹如自然对于文化。”
- This is very contrary to our traditional view of trying to fragment the information. 这正好和我们传统的打破信息的观点相反。
- In the traditional view, the subject of public opinion is hard to be defined because of its feature of nonentity. 摘要在传统的视野中,舆论主体因具有“非实体”性特征,所以比较难以界定。
- That was the traditional view of the Jewish community,which throughout history closely guarded its small numbers from loss through assimilation. 犹太人过去曾持有这种传统观念,他们一直极力保护其为数不多的成员免于因民族融合而失去自我。
- Just 13 percent subscribe to the traditional view that the generalist nature of the in-house role blunts the technical prowess of corporate counsel. 只有13%25固守旧观念,认为公司内部律师的“通才”性已将公司法律顾问应有的专业性损耗殆尽。
- Contrary to the traditional view that idioms are undivided, cognitive linguists believe a majority of idioms are decomposable. 依照传统的看法,习语是约定俗成的习惯用法,是不可分析的。认知语言学则认为习语是可分析、可活用的。
- The researchers hold that metaphor is a fundamental way of human cognition rather than just a rhetorical device in traditional view. 他们认为隐喻是人类认知的基本途径和方法而不单单是传统意义上的一种修辞手段。
- Because it doesn’t fall into the traditional view of what Undo is for; programmers generally don’t provide a true Undo function for changing a filename. 因为它不属于撤销的传统视图,程序员通常不提供改变文件名的真实撤销功能。