- Great strides are also being made in Lenze's traditional product areas. 在伦茨的传统产品领域也在做着大的变革。
- Traditional products do not disqualify the producer from high-tech. 生产传统的产品,不表示它就不是高科技。
- However, the traditional production mode does not fit the market nor meet the needs of customers. 但传统生产模式不再适应市场经济的需求,不能满足客户的要求。
- Traditional product has to book interest rate fixedly, risk safeguard is basic it is changeless. 传统产品都有一个固定的预定利率,风险保障基本是固定不变的。
- Our traditional product, waxberry is sold well in international market with sweet and small kernel. 我镇的传统产品-----杨梅具有果大、味甜、核小之特点,已实现了鲜梅远销海外。
- Produced on the Veonese side of the lake of Garda on the border of the traditional production area. 产自伽塔湖地区,传统的葡萄酒酿造区边缘。
- We don't pay any commission on our traditional products. 对我们的传统产品,概不付给佣金。
- Excellent traditional culture details are the inconsumable culture wealth to traditional product packaging design. 中华民族的优秀传统文化底蕴,对传统产品包装设计是享用不尽的文化宝藏。
- The economic side is even more obvious.It seems like the aeronautics economy has stimulated all the traditional production chains. 经济方面更不用说了,航天经济带动了几乎所有的传统产业链!
- With the requirement increasing for copper tube , the traditional production technology of copper tube can not satisfy requirement . 随着对铜管需求量的不断增加,传统的铜管生产工艺已经不能满足需要。
- In the traditional production of liquor, we usually attached more importance to saccharifying techniques and fermenting techniques of fermented grains. 在传统白酒酿造工艺中,往往只注重生产过程中酒醅的糖化与发酵工艺,对装甑技术和蒸馏方法得不到一定重视。
- Traditional production technique of Drosophila salivary gland chromosome was quite difficulty to manipulate by students in genetic experiment. 果蝇唾腺染色体制片技术是遗传学实验中学生感觉困难较大的实验。
- With the globalization of economy and information, information technology hasbeen changing the traditional production, business and life style. 随着全球经济化和信息化的发展,信息技术正在改变传统的生产、经营和生活方式。
- One Baisi ginger and yellow silk Jiang Woxian for the traditional products. 其中白丝姜和黄丝姜为我县的传统产品。
- Based on the traditional production techniques, the article introduces improved production techniques and production quality index of Zizhong Mustard Tine. 本文介绍了在传统生产工艺基础之上进行改进了的资中冬尖生产工艺及产品质量指标。
- The difference between the capitalization model of privately-owned enterprise and traditional production model is obvious as the process of capitalization of BJC manifests. 启示四:从北京金可公司本身的资本运作过程可以看到民营资本运作的模式与传统生产模式的区别。
- Because of using rectangular billet in traditional production process of welded pipe, the barb, faulty soldering and formations of agglomerated ball etc. 传统焊管因采用矩形坯料使焊缝存在毛刺、虚焊、焊缝起镏等,影响产品质量。
- The traditional production of nitrobenzene has many defects such as consuming a great quantity of sulphuric acid and energy and environmental pollution.The new method reforms it. 针对传统硝基苯生产工艺存在的硫酸用量大、能耗高、环境污染严重等问题进行了改造。
- The content of ethyl caproate increased by times when the flavour-enhancing technique of esterase was used in the traditional production of solid fermentation liquor. 酯化酶增香技术可用于传统固态白酒,可使己酸乙酯含量成倍增加;
- In traditional production of FCMP, the addition of trace elements that crops needed are realized by adding inorganic salts in solid form into halffinished product. 在传统钙镁磷肥生产中,添加作物生长需要的微量元素,是以固体无机盐加入半成品中制得。