- The traditional closed loop analog system is simplified to an open loop digital system and the traditional monitor consol is improved to a software consol on the screen. 采用 Visual C++6.;0设计并实现了一个实用的系统;它一方面将传统的模拟闭环系统简化为数字开环系统;另一方面将传统的机械式监控面板改进为屏幕上的软件面板;PC机成为控制装置的一部分;实现了一个计算机化的旋转控制器。
- Traditional monitoring system is not good at alarm,so it is hard to be used in the tanglesome places which need to monitor dynamiclly. 传统的视频监控系统在防止误报和漏报方面不是很完善,因此它很难应用于情况复杂,要求具备动态监控的场合。
- Compared with traditional monitoring system of coal mine,integrated monit oring system of coal mine based on power line communication technology has great er competing power. 与传统的煤矿监控系统相比,基于电力线通信的煤矿综合监控系统具有更强的市场竞争力。
- Comparing to the traditional monitoring and evaluation, the participatory monitoring and evaluation is more preponderant obviously, which is more and more widely used at home. 摘要参与式监测评估和传统的监测评估相比具有明显的优势,在国内的应用也越来越普遍。
- This traditional costume is of indigo blue. 这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。
- The tradition monitors medium cacophony, for instance patulin is hit lose favourable sale, cause sales volume steep add, this has nothing to do with the healthy state of people. 传统监测中的杂音,比如感冒药打折优惠销售,导致销量陡增,这跟人们的健康状况无关。
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 诋毁传统道德的价值已成为一种时髦事。
- Free from traditional social or moral constraints. 任意的不受传统的社会或道德限制的
- His novels follow traditional lines. 他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。
- The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs. 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。
- The most common lamp applications are local indication of breaker status, trip coil integrity, and LOR trip signal detection, each traditionally monitored with separately mounted incandescent bulbs. 最常见的应用信号是当地断路开关的状况,线圈完整性,以及LOR错误信号检测,每一传统监测都通过各自的白炽灯泡完成。
- He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on the wilder shore of farce. 他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场疯狂的闹剧给毁了。
- He arranged many traditional folk songs (for the piano). 他(为钢琴演奏)改编了很多传统民歌。
- This story is about sorcerers in traditional fairy-tales. 这个故事是关于传统童话中的魔术师 的。
- This theory is a negation of all traditional beliefs. 这理论否定了一切传统信念。
- Do you believe in China's traditional herbal medicine? 你相信中国传统的中草药吗?
- He says his country wants to develop its traditional friendship with China. 他说他们的国家希望发展和中国的传统友谊。
- Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine. 中医用许多草药。
- It's traditional in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day. 圣诞节时吃火鸡是英格兰的传统。
- Traditional customs are falling into disuse. 老习惯正在破除。